Hi folks,
I had the good fortune of attending a screening and birthday\goodbye party at Ident Studios in Portland Oregon last night.
I saw the final version of a Music Video I worked on, the one with the 20 cameras, and was amazed at how cool and UNexpected it was. Plus I just really dig the band. It officially premieres tonight, so I should have a link up in a few days.
I also saw a short "Will" staring Daniel Baldwin, made by Lyon Films at the facility. All in one day, with all the RED cameras, high end editing gear and crew they could eat! lol..
Chris Weilert, my friend and manager of the place gave me a hands on tour. Very impressive space. Some reconstruction going on and its going to be even more awesome in the short future.
Of course I saw the camera room.. drooolll.... RED REDS REDS
He showed me the Quantel Pablo CC system, yikes, that thing made me feel inadequate in so many ways
though, I admit I wanted to caresses that crazy work surface... I should mention, and yes its a plug for a friend, that the rates on his system are rock bottom compared to L.A. Those who know, know what Im talking bout, you could fly to Portland, stay in a nice hotel and STILL have 50% budget left over to spend on the dancing girls.
Call Chris, and hell give you the low down.
The party was great, I made some new friends, connected with some old ones and generally had a great time. I got home at 11:30 and spent the next 6 hours working on my IT Challenge submission (its uploading now)..
I had the good fortune of attending a screening and birthday\goodbye party at Ident Studios in Portland Oregon last night.
I saw the final version of a Music Video I worked on, the one with the 20 cameras, and was amazed at how cool and UNexpected it was. Plus I just really dig the band. It officially premieres tonight, so I should have a link up in a few days.
I also saw a short "Will" staring Daniel Baldwin, made by Lyon Films at the facility. All in one day, with all the RED cameras, high end editing gear and crew they could eat! lol..
Chris Weilert, my friend and manager of the place gave me a hands on tour. Very impressive space. Some reconstruction going on and its going to be even more awesome in the short future.
Of course I saw the camera room.. drooolll.... RED REDS REDS
He showed me the Quantel Pablo CC system, yikes, that thing made me feel inadequate in so many ways

Call Chris, and hell give you the low down.
The party was great, I made some new friends, connected with some old ones and generally had a great time. I got home at 11:30 and spent the next 6 hours working on my IT Challenge submission (its uploading now)..