I taught Kubrick everything he knows (and then some)

Hi all!

Well, that title was a straight-up lie, but you already knew that, eh?

I guess I should introduce myself now. I'm an artist/designer/muso/composer/photographer (lots of pies, not enough fingers) that's recently got more into videography too. It was only natural that I would do it eventually I suppose, as it allows me to combine all of my creative outlets into one field. I used to write when younger too, so hopefully my first screenplays won't entirely suck balls on a massive scale.

First script is nearly done, and is looking like it might become a series of 20-30min episodes in order to make it more manageable. I'll keep you all posted of course.

A lot of this filmaker malarky is new to me, so I apologise in advance if I ask any stupid nooby questions. In return I can at least contribute to any audio prod and photog stuff, so I won't be a total leecher here. :P

Anyway, pleased to meet you all, and I look forward to learning and sharing with you. It looks like a great community you have built here! :)
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Hi Zensteve, thanks for the welcome. :)

I admit, I've not had any contact with Kubrick whatsoever, though my grandfather did build the fireplace in the Shining. :lol:
Hi Chimp!

Nive avatatar. Can he ride a teeny bike too, or just clang out cymbal crashes while 'do-do-doooing' big top themes? :hmm:
The fireplace from Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon? Iv been there!

Nope. The interior was a very elaborate and large set built in Elstree, UK. As a local mason with considerable experience in 'crazy' stonework among other stuff, he got the contract to build it. Apparently he had to tell (read: swear at) the Prod crew (inc Kubrick) numerous times to stop walking on them, while they were laid out on the floor for arrangement planning, as they kept getting kicked out of alignment!

He stares. Stares into your soul...

He could be there a loooong time trying to find anything. :devil: