I think this time around we need to know what your plans are for this script... Is it just practice? Do you plan on shooting it yourself? Do plan on submitting to some kind of a competition?
I'm asking these questions because my feedback would be different depending on what you plan on doing with it. For instance, if you're doing this for some kind of practice or eventual submission to some kind of short script competition? You really need to clean it up. Get rid of the typos. Lose most, if not all of the transitions. Tone down the description of the sundaes... A sundae is pretty much a sundae. We get it. There's a lot of overwriting meaning, you don't need nearly as much action and description to portray what you want to portray. Employees dialogue is on-the-nose. Cut it down and make it even more meaningful instead letting it explain everything we've just read.
If however, you plan on making this yourself i.e., shooting it and getting others involved? You can do whatever you like. Leave it as is but at the very minimum, I would clean up the typos.