I Hit a Deer

Please...somebody take my 'cursed Blazer from me. I've managed to kill 1 squirrel, one cat (in the engine) and today I killed a deer. The worst thing is watching it die for 30 minutes. :( :( :(
I hit a deer last year near my parents house. It doesn't seem like a big deal until it happens. Like in your case bird, my deer took forever to pass on. I cried like a baby that night (go ahead an make fun, you stooges).

luckily I've only hit one deer, and didn't actually hurt it (thing went up over the side of the car but then got up and ran away... freaky).

Hitting a deer really sucks :(
Poke you'll get no mocking from me. I feel guilty when I set out the ant traps and watch those poor helpless little guys march in for what they think is a free meal.....

I exploded a bird once with my truck. It flew out in front of me and I thought that it had cleared the grill untill I looked behind me. A poof of feathers were slowly drifting to the ground. And I mean a BIG poof. Didn't cry, but I felt real bad for hours.

I also have a coworker whose husband was killed by a deer a couple years back. He and his buddy, who was driving, didn't even hit the deer. It was struck by an oncoming vehical and thrown through the windshield killing both fellas. True story.

But bird it sounds like you got a real Christine on your hands. Are you gonna pull a Stephen King and beat the living daylights out of that vehical with a baseball bat. It really would be the humane thing to do.
Ai Ai Ai!
Sounds horrible.. I once grazed a bird, and had a feather stuck under a wiper, but I think he was ok... that sucks Bird!
I'm sure the deer god will forgive you though... just pretend the deer heard about the American Idol Sex Scandal and wanted to die! It'll make the pain go away.. trust me.

Well..... don't trust me, but try it anyway...
Sorry to hear about this unfortunate experience bird.

I luckely have not hit anything yet (hope that doesn't change now that i said that!), but I've had lots of opportunities. Almost hit a cat on a highway exit at 50mph. I slammed on the breaks and stopped three feet away from it. It just stood there in front of the car, starring at me dumbfounded, then ran away. Those in the car with me almost had a heart attack and were pissed at me for 'doing that to them.' They said that cat did not deserve to live. I hope it learned its lesson.

A family friend's car was attacked by a wild boar! He stopped on the side of the road to watch the animal. The animal ran down the hill and slammed into the side of his car (half the car was totaled - little european car). The boar was a little shook up, then walked away. Yikes!
So sorry to hear about that, Bird. I hope you're okay - no damage from the incident.

I know it's traumatic but try not to let it bother you too much.
Thanks guys for the condolences (and humor)! Hitting a deer has always been one of my greatest fears when behind the wheel, (I feed my adopted 'herd', of 20 +, corn everyday) so it's quite a shock to kill one.

I just suffered a little head knock, fortunately. I just suffered a little head knock, fortunately. I just suffered a little head knock, fortunately. Hey.....:)
a couple of years back i was in a car crash which featured, amongst many humans, a bird. the left wing was pretty much gone, and it was writhing in pain. i got up, cancelled the ambulance and took it to the bridge. by the time i got there it had died in my hands. i remembered i have a really good throwing arm - so i just launched it out at the river. skimmed twice.i spent the rest of the day trying to do what i thought he would have done, if he had known it was his last day.
needless to say, i make a crap bird. :(
poor thing.
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