I arrived. Finally.

Hi guys!

I visited this forum a long time ago as a guest and made an account in September last year. Now, after many months, I finally got the courage to post and be part of this community.

I am a 26 years old guy from Germany, and... wait. No. This summer, I'll hit the 27. Wow, time really is ticking away. Like an old zen master once said: "If you don't chase your dreams when you're young, you'll have a lot of unopened glass jars with pickled dreams on your kitchen shelf when you're old." That's why I'm here.

I remember when some friends and I made storyboards and created small script snippets of our own dinosaur thriller (which never got made) after the Jurassic Park hype and the faszination I had when i first saw "Independence Day". I thought to myself: "There ARE still Germans that actually CAN make good movies! I want to be one of them".

Well, my career is totally different now. I never went to film school or anything like that, but I like to photograph, write and create stories and someday I hope all will come together to a feature film (or at least some shorts ;)). This forum helped me a lot in the past months, even by just reading through it.

I'm glad to be part of this community and hope you have some room for a german guy with weird humour and a lot of sarkasm in your ranks :P

Gotta start making those movies sometime, right? :yes:

Yeah, you are SO right. The problem by having these ideas is, that you will NEVER get them out of your head. I got a full notebook with ideas, some of them totally silly and moronic, but there are also some good ones.

One I'm working on very hard at this point is an (how else could it be :rolleyes:) apocalyptic zombie movie. It involves heavy drinking (including hangovers), bad music tastes, no dying protagonists and a cure for the poor zombies.

Well, someday :D