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watch Hungry heart, empty stomach

You're about to witness a visual recreation of the end of the WORLD!!!

Well... not really..

Here is my short movie that i've made for filmflights.com

The rules of the tournament are the following:

1. 3:30 max
2. Movie must begin "If it wasn't for my [BLANK]..." Insert whatever you want..

Was shot on little samsung consumer camera ($100). All sounds were dubbed (freesounds.org), and dialog recorded with karaoke microphone (free).

Please PLEASE tell me honest opinion, and maybe a suggestion.. or two... on what I need to improve. Don't worry about "hurting my feelings" bulls**t.


From a purely audience point to view... I didn't get it and I didn't think it was funny. But then, I don't find much to laugh about these days.

From a technical standpoint... Use a hi-pass EQ to roll off the low end of the dialog at about 100hz; I can hear the plosives of the narration/dialog. Her voice is so obviously a "pitch-up", I found it distracting. I found the music to be really corny. You have a lot to learn about audio mixing, but that's okay; I've been doing audio for almost 40 years and I have a lot to learn about mixing.:D
The story stopped moving forward, pretty much when the toaster is in the sink. Gotta be able to wrap things up.

Much improved over that initial cut you posted last week. :cool:

I knew I recognised Keaneau in there! Great casting. :)
I think it was better put together than most of the things I see.

To be honest, I didn't get it either. Also, why was it overdubbed in French? If it's a French movie, then why not speak French in the film? Couple of the subtitles in the beginning were way too fast to read, too.

I second Alcove's comment on the mixing. I could get way more detailed but I think you should just read about the basics of film audio from the books Alcove often cites and references here.

Also, in France, refrigerator doors open from the left to right, FYI.
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Thanks for advice! The dialog did sound weird to me as well. I'll definitely use your advice for the next short!
Oh, and thank you on the music comment, i was going for the corny ;)

How could I keep the story move towards the wrap up? Was it because the ending was so short? Would the shot of empty area where to fridge was standing make it better?
Yea, mr Reeves had a trouble memorizing his lines.. and damn, he was too picky!

LOL it was actually overdubbed in russian.. while they were in france.. with american product placements...
Does it makes sense? No. Does the affair of refrigerator with the toaster makes sense? Nope. Maybe if you're in France, while speaking Russian, this video might make sense..
PS. I definitely will check out the book! Thanks!

I decided to dub it, because I have no way to record sound, unless i was using the mic in the camera, which kept coming out as crap. So i borrowed my friend's karaoke mic. Had to work with what I've got, without making lamea$$ excuses :-) "Ohh, i don't have a mic! I can't make a movie", "Oh, i have no actors", "I can't shoot the movie because I don't have a BigRed"..
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lol then good job because I was totally lost if this was your intent!

Got it on the equipment issues. Good job on finding a work-around. TBH it sounded better than most videos out there made on 0 budget. The scene with you walking up to the door with the keys jingling was a good effort!
There's corny, and there's corny. To me it was just a poor music choice, not corny for the sake of being funny. It can be a very fine distinction, I grant you, but a difference none the less. But, as I said, I just didn't get the joke at all; maybe I am the grumpy old fart my daughter says that I am.

Oh man!!! Just got an email from competition organizators, and i got into the Elite heavyweight competitors category!!

I'm just so thrilled right now!! Voting starts on oct 1st for top video!
Oh man!!! Just got an email from competition organizators, and i got into the Elite heavyweight competitors category!!

I'm just so thrilled right now!! Voting starts on oct 1st for top video!
How could I keep the story move towards the wrap up? Was it because the ending was so short?

Well, there really wasn't an ending at all. If you look at the man's journey, he's just hit the very bottom. He's at the point where we really want to empathise with him, and see at least the start of a return back towards the surface. But... the film's over.

Don't worry about it, though. I'm just looking for various points & other aspects that *ought* to happen, when I watch films on here. (I also tend to miss the nuances in the more experimental stuff) Plus, I'm just a big mouth. ;)

Had to work with what I've got, without making lamea$$ excuses :-) "Ohh, i don't have a mic! I can't make a movie", "Oh, i have no actors", "I can't shoot the movie because I don't have a BigRed"..

Can't argue with that. :cool:

You make do with what you've cobbled together, and make the film the best that it can be with the resources available at the time. Sure, it's nice to have the extra-flashy bling on set, when available - but that's only ever frosting on the cake.

Keep makin' more! Also, congrats on moving to the finals! :)
Ohh gotcha.. have him get like a little mini fridge or something, so the audience and the character are complete, right? :)

Thats what I was thinin...Or maybe he says'"F-it" and puts a cabinet in the place of the fridge , and swears off refrigerator necessary foods???