Sorry you look at it as a Dick slinging. I am going with the advice of the IT people I know because I work with them every week and we resolve problems together. If I need help, I see them in person. You are on this board with me and there is only so much that you can do with posts as opposed to working side by side with people.
So, don't take it personally and it was not my intention to offend you. Films I make are self funded and I need a day job to pay the bills and to save up to make films. And, I work in two IT departments for two different companies part time. As much as I have college classes in computers, my degree is in Electrical Engineering Technology. I am resolve the issues with printers, I have fixed computer and networking problems as well.
My future in completing my last film is bleak with monthly expenses expected to rise again this year and my wages remain the same as I get less and less benefits.
Once again, sorry if you got offended.