How would I go about working on a movie set?

Hi, I hope this is in the right place. I am a sophmore in college and I am majoring in film. This summer, I want to see if there are any flims being made in the Chicago-land area that I could work on. Where would I look to see if there are any films that need help?

This is my first time posting on this forum! I have read through a lot of the threads and have to say that it has been really helpful.

Thank you,


If you are prepared to work for free, just look (craigslist, mandy) for productions and offer your services as a PA. You can eventually graduate to paid work with some experience. You might even find paid work right away.
You can find indie low/micro/no budget films in your area. Search social networks that allow for keyword searching or location based searches...and search for film makers in your area. Then send them a professional and friendly message with your desire to PA on their set. You'll probably work for free (hopefully you'll be fed) and do most of the little busy work that needs to be done. This will be a great way for you to find out if you like it, as well as learn the ropes of a movie set.

Make sure you pay attention to everyone's title, and what their duties are. The more you know, the more invaluable you'll be.

Good luck.
If you want to crash a film shoot, go visit whoever keeps the film-permit records in your city and see who's doing what where. :cool:

If you simply show up looking to do PA work, you might get lucky. Can never have enough PA's.

Or they might just shoo you off the location. :blush:

Good luck. :)