how to

Hello All,

I am a screen writer shooting his first short. I have a scene where a shot of vodka is poured and while the shot glass is being lifted to a mouth I want to have an image of another characetr walkng down the road in the liquid. This will be used as a transition to that walking character.

How can I do this with out it looking cheesy or hokey?

Thanks for any help!
Sounds nifty!

No mater how good looking the SFX came out, the shot could look WRONG. If the guy is walking upright, when the glass is tilted to the DRINKERS mouth, it would look like the WALKER was walking on his side... The SFX will look better if both DRINKER and WALKER follow the same laws of physics.. So when the glass tilts, WALKER falls on his side, slides toward the mouth etc.. You might rewrite the scene to make this work.. Maybe WALKER stumbles in to storm drain.. thus giving a logical reason why he is moving around, like he would if he was only 1" high and swimming in a shot glass :)
I can visualize the composite, but as a transition I’m having trouble seeing it.
That’s not at all to suggest it won’t or can’t work, it could be a million different ways that I’m not seeing, but based on how it sounds it seems awkward as a transition, like it might draw too much attention to the editing, and jolt the viewer out of the moment, but that’s reading a lot into it on my part.

Have you considered a matching dissolve?

Like, if its at a bar and the shot glass were on a coaster that advertises beer for example, then when the person about to drink the vodka lifts the shot glass from the coaster and the beer logo is seen, matching dissolve to a sign along the road that also advertises that beer with the same logo, tilt down and there is the guy walking.

All in all I’d like to see how you achieve it, it’s interesting.

use the matching dissolve; the shot glass would have to be lifted in slow-mo, the person walking at the same time would have to be walking at a distance to somewhat match the size of the glass(which should be a close-up) and at the same angle or at least close to it and in regular speed.

So, have the person walking at an angle, meaning position your camera to where the person would be walking uphill from bottom left of screen - toward the upper right.

Experiment with it and see what you can do. It may work.