How to rent out my RED Epic

By fortuitous circumstances I have sole use of a brand new RED Epic package. I've had it for a few months now and am really disappointed with how much I am able to get it rented out.
My original plan of attack was word of mouth and posting on Craigslist everyday. That gets it out a few times a month but it seems a shame to let such a beautiful camera sit on a shelf most of the time.
I have since improved the package a bit (more batteries, better LCD mount), made it a nice flyer to post online and a facebook page but still it mostly sits in its pelican case.
The price can't be the issue (unless its too low!), the Epic plus sticks,head,5 RED lenses, mattebox, follow focus, high hat, etc go out for $1,000 a day or $3,600 a week which includes myself as the AC (This is a link to the FB page with all its info
Does anyone have any advice for me to get this camera out more? Places to post online, people to talk to, better ways to get FB followers, any advice would be a great help.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your help.
the basic package is 550 + 20% VAT = 660, which is around $1,058.00, so she's in the right ballpark. Also not in the UK, so I assume she's trying to rent relatively local, where shipping is less of a problem.
I'd probably change that to be an on-set DIT, rather than on-set AC.

I'd also probably rent out lenses and camera package seperately, at least as an option - some people may want ot use the Epic with Ultra Primes sourced elsewhere, or may want to use an F3 sourced elsewhere with your Red Primes (for example). I'd also probably try and get onto more sets as DIT or AC where you can not only prove you have the knowledge and ability to perform such a role, but can then mention on-set that you have a Red Epic sitting at home that doesn't get used often to plant the idea in people's heads.

Or, DP more with it and get production to pay you a slightly higher rate to include your camera package.

Your sales are usually going to be a function of supply and demand.

Seeing your supply is inflexible, you'll either need to increase the demand.

To do this, you'll have to:
A). Find more customers or
B). Get your current customers to hire out more and/or more often.

The easiest way is going to be to decrease your selling price.

Since you're a part of the package (you'll have to gauge if this is something that is helping or hindering you) consider dressing this part up to show extra perceived value giving you an advantage over your competition.

You may need to advertise/market your product more.

Have you considered rewording your offering of selling yourself off as a camera person for x$ per day and you bring your Red Epic along with you as part of the package deal. Yeah, its the same thing when you read deep down, but its less of a condition this way.

Last thing. Have you considered that people may not be willing to give you a try over their current suppliers as you're an unknown charging about the same rate. You may need to bring your price way down just to get your name out there, artificially increasing demand. Hell, at half price (or even less), keeping yourself busy with some money in your pocket has to be better than none, right?

Last thought... maybe you're not getting word out in the right places.
I don't think the price is the problem, though Jax has good ideas for breaking it down with more options.

I reckon you're looking for clients in the wrong places. "Likes" on Facebook really don't mean squat, and Craigslist is pretty much where the options of last resort (and bottom of the barrel gigs) are found; not so much the first place to look for camera packages.

Good luck with it. Building your own brand awareness, essentially, can be painfully slow at first but it gathers steam exponentially when it takes off. :cool:
Start at a lower price, build up clients, how does anyone know you are genuine? Asking for a grand to rent your product when you have no credibility especially when offering the same price as reputable competitors is borderline madness, especially as we are now In a dslr phase which is considerably cheaper, also what makes you so special that I should choose you to rent a red, rather than a professional company? Get the drift ;) I'd say offer the cam around $3-500 a day promotion for 2 months only, should get a bit more attention..
*takes deep breath and attempts to exorcise his inner crotchety old man* :lol:

x2 on Jax/ZenSteve's advice.

I may have missed it, but your fb page did not seem to highlight your experience. I would recommend going beyond facebook in your online presence, and offering rates for the gear itself while also adding information about your experience as either an AC or a DIT. Potential clients are going to want to know something about that before hiring both you and the gear.

It's possible you would find more folks willing to hire you as a DIT, but I wouldn't really know for sure. Bigger budget DIT gear tends to revolve more around the data cart than the camera, and bigger budget DPs will probably want to bring at least their own, known and trusted, 1st - if not 1st and 2nd. Seems many folks are doing this with privately owned REDs of various types, so there must be a market for it. I imagine you are facing competition though. What, generally, has been your role on sets so far?

I also mean this in the nicest possible way, but the picture of - what I presume is you - sitting under the tripod on your rate card (or at least one that I found in the timeline) should probably be replaced with a picture of you working in some capacity. Its probably fine as a random FB picture (see above, crotchety old guy here, no offense intended), but on the rate card perhaps something a bit more professional is appropriate.

There's also the idea that you could contact rental houses and see if any are interested in having the package as a consignment rental. But that would take you out of the equation, which sounds like not what you are going for, but it could serve to bring it part of your revenue.

Which brings me to the real question; what do you want to do with the gear?
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Are you a grand master of RED Epic kung fu? If not, become one. That knowledge will bleed through the conversation when a prospective client calls you. Consider loaning it out FREE, yes, FREE, a few times in exchange for references, show reels, publicity, connections. You have to get plugged into a network. Girl with Epic isn't strong marketing.
Thank you everyone for your advice.
So here is some more info to answer your questions. I'm not the owner, I rent it out and split the money with him. This is because he took a desk job while his wife is pregnant. He used to work as a freelance DP with the camera but I just graduated in 2011 and do not have enough experience to call myself a DP yet. He does not want the camera and lenses rented out separately because he's been stuck in situations where the whole package is wanted but the lenses are out on a job.
The deal is that I have to be on set with the camera for insurance reasons. Since I have to be there I let people know I can work if they need me. Its mostly low budget shoots that people are happy to have the help on despite how little experience I have. I have a few months experience as a 2nd, only a little focus pulling experience, and no experience as DIT. I've recently realized that I honestly would rather be working as a juicer or gaffer, which was most of my experience before hooking up with the epic.
But the Epic pays my rent and helps me meet new people in the industry. My work on set is just a bonus people can choose to use or not. You all might be right that its hurting my chances to rent it out but I have to be on set with the camera no matter what.
As far as the price goes, I actually recently raised the price because the people that hired me told me they almost didn't believe I was legitimate because my price was so low ($800/day). $1000 a day is still well under what "reputable" renters charge because they rarely include lenses in that price. Our price is also very negotiable.
I think you all are right that I need to work on branding/marketing myself better, contacting rental and post houses, and just generally getting the word out in new more effective venues.
You've been very helpful and I appreciate it. :D