How to create a promotional movie poster?

Hiya. Just wondering where would one go to have a promotional movie poster made for one's own film? And is it possible to do one yourself? If so, what would I need to make a movie poster legit? I don't think ordinary printers are gonna cut it...
I did mine using Photoshop - I had never used the program and it took
a long time to get what I wanted, but it was worth it. I learned a lot
about the program and got the poster I wanted. Then I went to an ordinary
printer and had several printed.
Persdonally, I hire a graphic artist, lucky enough to have some friends who will work for cheap (like $100 or so cheap), pros usually give pro results, just like every other aspect of filmmaking. However, if you're saavy, and have access to photoshop it can be done DIY. A "Full Sheet" color poster is pretty expensive. My work has a graphics department that prints them for me at "cost" which is about $18 each, if you have it done at a printer expect to pay in the ballpark of $30 to $40 each for full color full shet (27" X 40" I think).
Here are three I designed for a client:

Sometimes you can get some of the schools to do them. We had posters for our film festival done at a good rate at the local university. Can't remember the price, somebody else took care of it.
Hiya. Just wondering where would one go to have a promotional movie poster made for one's own film? And is it possible to do one yourself? If so, what would I need to make a movie poster legit? I don't think ordinary printers are gonna cut it...

We typically spend around $1000 on a Stephen Romano piece. Good art work can and will cost you---unless you have a friend that's good. However, most photoshop friends won't cut the mustard. The poster will stand out as being amateur...which is why I recommend a pro if you can afford one.

In terms of printing...there are a ton of sites online that do this and ship you the finished posters.

Good luck. Remember, a good poster or DVD cover can get you sales...even if the movie stinks to high heaven.
An indietalk member posted a thread about this recently. His website might help you:

I was just about to link this before I saw you already did. I made a poster for my short film with this, came out great.

Oh, and as for how to make it "legit" you could just get printed out via any number of websites. I like Vistaprint, because you can get a movie poster size poster done for like 15 bucks.. I also ordered my cast's t-shirts from them. I'm sure you could also get a bit higher quality one done at Staples or Kinkos. (The vistaprint ones are like a regular poster material)


There's the vistaprint page... you can get a 24'' x 36'' print for 15 bucks.
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