How Should I Handle This?

I have 3 actors asking for copies of the rough cut.. One also wants a copy of all of her footage, which I'm looking to give her that copy in October.

Tell them no and just give them copies of their footage? Or, give them watermarked DVDs of the rough cut?
no footage out of your control until you want it that way. Id NEVER give the raw footage to ANYONE. Offer to cut a custom hightlights for her, when you have time. Id try and step back from that position if I were you.

That said, you can rip out some teasers that both serve your actors wants and promote your film. I'm a big proponent of that. I make a teaser showing the talent right off, first thing before any other editing, that way everyone involved FEELS like something happened right away.

Also, even if the film never gets finished, the talent has something for their reels...
How long until the final cut is released? And did you discuss giving them footage up front?

A good 6 to 8 months away.

The actors want stuff for their demo reels right away. I explained the final cut will be out by next summer. I need money to complete the post. I ran out. I will use my tax refund next year to complete the post. I should have the first pass of the rough cut complete in a week or two.
Is there any verbage in the release contracts that address this issue?
Or some sort of industry standard? I'm guessing no.
As a favor (or payback) to them, you might offer to make a demo-reel for them, with the new footage included. Or, maybe you can let them look at some raw-footage, and let them select a small handful of their favorite clips that you might let them have for their demo reel.

But I wouldn't give them a rough-cut. No way. Yes, it might be good to communicate this, up-front, but I kind of think it's common-sense that rough-cuts are not released, publicly, to anyone. I let people watch rough-cuts, all the time, but I'd never release one.
To get mitigate their urgency you may want top mention it still needs sound work, color correction, etc.; all of the things that will bring the quality level of the clip up by 500%.

"The performance is great, but it doesn't look or sound good yet..."
I wouldn't give out any rough footage on a film that's so dependent on post effects. If you want to be nice you could try to find a few clips that don't need much post work just so they'd have something for their reel. Even then it would be a kindness, and shouldn't be automatically expected from you.
SinEater said almost everything I was going to.

Definitely, don't give out a rough cut.

If anything, as a courtesy, if you have some edited scenes with the actor(s) requesting footage that you feel are locked, let them have that. If a good scene gets out there, it might promote, rather than hurt your film.

But, if a copy of the rough cut film gets out without effects, sound mixing, color correction, etc. it can be bad. (Wasn't it X-Men Origins: Wolverine that had that problem?)

If edited sequences aren't available, a few minutes of raw footage, featuring a strong performance by the actor(s) requesting would be a very nice thing, especially if they're going to have to wait more than half a year for a finished version. As an actor who worked for very little on a film, you want the other benefit promised (footage for your reel) as soon as possible.

I've explained it to them this is an effects dependent production.

A good percentage of the film will heve 3D animated backgrounds and a few totally animated scenes. They just don't get it. Some admitted they were never even in a greenscreen room before.

I showed them the intro that is in decent shape as an example. I had to after the DP made the mistake of showing them his version of a knife fight he edited together. It was a mistake because now they want to see more.

My version of the knife fight looks different because I edited everything in order and I took into account how the fight has to connect to the scene before and after the fight.

Maybe I can show a few more clips on a DVD so they can better see how effects dependent the production is, and take back the DVD?
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I understand you want to be a nice guy, but sometimes you have to be firm. You're the director, what you say should be final. They're not entitled to anything until the film is completed. Don't be an ass about it, but once you've explained your reasoning that should be enough.
I understand you want to be a nice guy, but sometimes you have to be firm. You're the director, what you say should be final. They're not entitled to anything until the film is completed. Don't be an ass about it, but once you've explained your reasoning that should be enough.
I think you're right, first of all.

And I think you're a reasonable man not used to handling unreasonable children, and poor ole MDM has some adult children that have given him something and it sounds like they just want to keep asking for more and more and more in return and he just can't reason them out of it because... well... they're children.

They'll be asking him to sleep at his house before long.

He's gonna come home from the grocery store one day and find laundry all over the bathroom, complaints about the color of the paint on the wall to distract him from the used rubber in the floor on the far side of the bad (WTH?), and a "peculiar kidney pain" in one of his girls - could he please just take her to the ER?

And of course she has no insurance, so could he pleeeease be her angel and tell them she's his wife and file it on his insurance?

Said "kidney pain" becomes a "back injury" and before you know it she's bleeding him dry on insurance co-pays for meds she's selling on the streets $8 a pill.

And another girl turns up knocked up.
Of course MDM is a stand up guy, and so he stares a few gasping moments when he overhears her telling her overseas mum on the cell he's now making monthly payments on "to help her out" that it was the guy she's been living with for months now, but he'll do her right. (About that rubber... was I involved)?

The immigration process for mom will begin after a few first trimester tears and random acts of emotional vomiting.

And I think she's just been wiping out a few cans of pringles. That ain't a "bump". She's just getting fat.

Meanwhile she's ingratiated herself into the MDM family and they now like her much more than MDM himself, that randy old dog. The only redeeming quality about him is now her!

This sh!t will go on endlessly.
Gas for the car becomes oil changes and a new alternator.
$5 lunch burgers become $6 suppers "and fries for breakfast!" for just a dollar more.
A blouse "torn on the set" becomes a wardrobe make-over opportunity. (Myth might get to see a peek of giggling changing room action)! But just a peek. Don't get your hopes up.

They don't wan't his cock.
Just his balls.

This is a nutcase management issue.
I try very hard to stay ten miles away from f#cking nutty people, as I just don't have time for their bullsh!t which this is rapidly becoming.

"I want some shots for my reel RIGHT NOW! I don't care if they're cr@p. I want them NOW!!!
Yeah... Yeah... Yeah, I know I signed the contract that stated I'll get clips for my reel when it's released - but NEXT YEAR is soooo far away.
When I signed the contract I didn't know it was going to take you THAT long to edit and release. I couldn't make an informed decision. I'm not accountable for my behavior.

If you don't give me your balls now I'm going to pout and not finish your feature and you can sue me in court!

Or just give me some sh!tty dailies. I don't care if they're crap.

I wanna get another job ASAP using your stuff, so I need them RIGHT NOW".

Pouting and waterworks ensue.

Sound about right, Myth?
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