archived-videos How is this make up tutorial video I shot and directed?

It seems good, man. Feels a little weird without the music, of course, but it's not bad for what it is

I'm not an expert on these tutorial videos, but from my understanding they're mostly done by complete amateurs, so you're at least par for the course.
Okay then, thanks. I feel I screwed up the ending cause there are two shots I wanted that I didn't get, for a more proper ending. Any advice on what I can do better let me know. A composer is doing the music for some experience, and it's coming...
I think maybe the timelapse went on too long, or could've at least used some cutaways.

Maybe once she's done, the video could've used some new shots, showing off her makeup. Think 'eye modelling' (or something) type of shots. Basically showing off the finished product, but not in the same shot as the timelapse
Yeah for sure. I wanted to get those shots, of her showing off the make up before, but long story short, it didn't end up happening. I can cut down the time lapse if that's a good idea. What about the color grading, any thing that can be improved?
Since you originally posted this last summer, including THIS QUESTION about the open, you still have not managed to fix one of the easiest issues you have to fix: the splt of the pink matte in the open. The left panel is still out of time with the right. You were given very easy instructions on how to fix it, because it's just a matter of matching keyframes. You've re-uploaded it now, but without that issue resolved.
I only posted a clip of it last summer, as it was unfinished at the time. Plus I couldn't really fix it, or at least not to the point where it looked good. I asked other people's opinions on it, and they said they thought this looked better the way it was, and it was fine the way it was, so I left it that way, based on their opinions.

But as for the keyframing, I couldn't figure out how to get the keyframes to work with the pink color matte. In your instructions before you said to use keyframes and cropping to achieve the effect, but the problem is, is that when it crops, it crops from the left and right, towards the middle, rather than cropping from the middle, then to the sides. In order to achieve that effect I would have to somehow reverse the crop, which I could not figure out how to do.
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Ryan, it's really simple: if the starting keyframes and ending keyframes for each panel are at the same points in the timeline, the motion will match.
I thought it was fine, also. I agree that a soft music bed would make this much better. Next time, you could maybe try diffusing the light. You can use a soft box light or diffusion paper so you don't get glare on the face, but still keep it bright. You can also shine the light off of a bounce board or umbrella.
I would've had a longer shot of the accessories in a set. The sudden whip zooms were a bit jarring so I would've had it just a static shot.

Don't color grade. Make-up is about color and grading the footage would give the viewer a false sense of color.

The lighting is a little bit too hot. Bouncing the light would help.
Thanks. As far as not color grading, the camera settings were not a 100% natural either, so even the camera has some grading in it while shooting. So what should I do to get it to look ungraded then? Like what counts as ungraded, since real life even has some saturation, some contrast, etc. What would count as ungraded?

Also when you say whip zoom, after the zoom, the camera does stay static enough so you can see what the product is for a few seconds and you can read it. Are you saying that I am zoomed in too close?
Where you ended after the zoom was fine. It was the sudden zoom that threw it off. Especially since the shots after were static so it came off as inconsistent.

I probably would done the same in terms of changing the temp in the camera itself but grading in post I wouldn't do. Maybe a little brightness/contrast here and there but not so much the color balance.
Okay thanks. Mainly the light I used gave off a yellow skin tone somewhat, so I flushed out some of the yellow and crushed the blacks just a little. Is that bad?

As for the zooming, I was trying to give it a bit of style and rhythm but if that's bad, I can just freeze the shots, so they are static, if that's better.