How is everyone doing?

Here is a question that I think would be nice to see here periodically:

How is everybody doing? :)

There are people that we only see here, sometimes only once or twice in a long period of time. We see a post or two but that's about it. I am glad to see some of you guys around here after a long hiatus. How's it going?

-- spinner :cool:
'sup Spinner. :cool:

Incredibly frustrated in the world of filmmaking.

Long story. Maybe I'll write it all down someday.

At least the acting side is doing better. :)

...and you? :redgrin:
It is frustrating on the filmmaking front in MI also.

But since I left my old job, things haven't moved financially, but I have done a number of projects that I can add to my myspace page and hopefully I can get my little business some attention. Things could be better - the money could be better; Things could be worse - I could be at my old job.

But the good news is that I am at least attempting to do what I want to with my career and I might even have some prospects after next weekend. At least I hope so :)

-- spinner :cool:
Hey! Nice thread idea.

Don't want to jinx myself, but this things are going pretty well here. Only annoying thing lately is a leaky pipe in my basement that ruined a box of GUITAR magazines. Very disappointing. I had the first issue in there ...

Otherwise, family, health, job, etc are all good. We've been attacking some new projects with vigor -- we should have a few more things coming along later in the year. So aside from a wet basement, I've got no complaints.
'sup Spinner. :cool:

Incredibly frustrated in the world of filmmaking.

Long story. Maybe I'll write it all down someday.

At least the acting side is doing better. :)

...and you? :redgrin:

You have to write it all down. That way when your grandkids want to be rockstars, you'll have this story about how grandad tilted at windmills as well....:lol:


I am still looking forward to Lament! It's still one of the coolest ideas. Make sure you keep us posted on your progress...

-- spinner :cool:
My movie will be available on Netflix and Amazon on April 22. I've got a pilot that just got some really interesting news (too early to report anything conrete). Beyond that, I've mostly been working in VFX for my day job, which is going pretty well.
I moved to Milan in Italy over the New Year, to live with my new girlfriend. This meant folding up my production business in the UK, which was an easier choice than I expected. It also meant pushing back production on my next feature film... possibly for a year.

Since getting here, I've started a new business doing 3D Animated anamatics; a business I'm launching at Cannes next month. I'm also developing a kids TV show using the same animation techniques and I'm still screen-writing.

My plan for this year is build the animatics business, to sell another screenplay by getting myself a proper agent and to transform the $1000 Film site into something more like a magazine.

So, all in all, I'm doing pretty well thanks.
I'm pretty ok. On the verge of financial stability (as soon as I quit my day job and get a better one) and mental stability. But fuck stability, I want lots of pointy things on my graph!

Got a trio of features I'm working on writing. Why three? Ugh. Because I like work? No- because once I get the ball rolling, I don't want to gather any moss. "what are you working on next?" is the big question, isn't it? 2 of them have words on a page. The other is a slew of characters, locations and plots that is swirling around in outline form.

A hiatus in the Poke Show provoked more work with two friends on some video-game themed sketch comedy. We've got 5 episodes done (though 3 of them are missing 1 shot each), and once we've got 6 or 7, they'll be ready for the web. Not AMAZING, but pretty good, considering that 80% of the time, I'm the only member of the crew.

Doing another sketch in May (hopefully two) that I want to put on The Poke Show and the web in general. Some people are approaching me with projects they want me to front, so that must mean I'm building clout. I better see a doctor about that...

This summer, I want to shoot a series of short sketches that will be used as a proof-of-concept pitching tool for one of my features, which I still have to finish writing (but it'll all fall out of me in a couple nights, everything is already planned out VERY (too) much).

I'm starting a second weekend job (like I need more stuff) to save up money for November... same guy who got me into the Toronto Film Fest is now the hiring director guy for AFI LA's film fest, and he introduced me to the director of programming for AFI LA, nice lady. Met her at one of those schmoozy "industry" parties. She actually uttered the words "You should come down for the fest!" and I said "Oh, you bet! for sure!", so assuming that's in the bag, I'll be hopefully taking another adventure to LA. Might even Bus the way there... I've always wanted to do the motorcycle thing across America from coast-to-coast, ever since I saw Easy Rider... Greyhound would be a neat start. What's the cheapest way to get to LA without having to give truck-drivers BJs?

And it might work out well... my friend Geoff wants to do a documentary on 2012 and Planet X (a death star called "Nemesis") and the Age of Aquarius and such stuff, which may entail a trip to South America in the fall (I'd be half-way there!) to see the giant brown-dwarf conspiracy-star who allegedly killed the Dinos and caused Noah's flood, sunk Atlantis and is COMING BACK FOR US!!!! Riiiight... Well, as long as we stay un-scientific enough to plunder the Bible belt, I'm sure there's enough wack-end-of-the-world people out there to buy DVDs and make us stinking rich before the world ends... right? Geoff actually believes it. So much, he said he may take out a loan for the film, not repayable until 2012. I told him, that's a good blurb for the press kit. After all, he did go to film school....

Oh yeah, and I'm writing a short film. It's in 2nd draft. It's about Mushrooms. I want to contact the Ontario Mushroom Grower's Association and get the thing funded so I can shoot on HD with a couple of ACTRA peeps I know. We'll see how that goes, lol.

So, OK. A little slow for the pace I WANT to be at, but that's ok, it's almost summer, and as the snow melts, my speed quickens. Shit, if I were in LA, I'd be going all the time at top speed. How un-mammal-like of me. I thought Mammals were supposed to be productive all the time, like the mighty Owl. Oh wait, that's a bird.

Ok, off to work I go. Another 9-5 spent arguing with CFO's and Marketing Directors across America as to why they should pay for the scam that the company I work for represents. But on the plus side, I'm so good at cold-calls, I think I'd have enough clout to pull up a film production directory and cold-call all their executives with pitches! (really gotta get that clout checked out...)

Ok, gotta put pants on, bye.
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Spinner! *waves*

I don't spend as much time here at IndieTalk as I would like. I had to officially shut down LOC until ... or if I can get well enough to start shooting again. All these plans I had for films are nothing but 1's and 0's on my hard drive and I forsee them staying in that form until further notice.

I had yet another surgery just this last Thursday so I spent the entire weekend in bed. Oh wait, that's not different from any other weekend... :lol:

I truly hope with a new, more aggressive treatment, the cancer can be beaten back. Then I can start shooting again. I hope, anyway. :D

Take care, Spinner!
Everyone seems to be busy or at least on the verge of being busy! I think that is great and that we ought to try to keep up with each other periodically, we can always use moral support! Everyone has told a little about what they are doing, except me. So...

Right now I am trying to get some bills paid. One of the most prevalent reasons why artistic endeavors slow down. However, I am hoping that by the end of the month I will be able to advertise my little video business. I have had a number of bands look at my work and express some interest in my doing something for them. I hope that is the case. I still want to do my documentaries, and this is a way of staying in the music area and hopefully creating a niche for myself doing video work for these local bands, eventually to do documentaries for national acts.

I am still trying to find someone to work with me on my big documentary, but Michigan is still hurting and it is hard to find people willing to work for free. It is alwo hard to find other filmmakers who are interested in what I am doing. Of course everyone wants to be paid, even me, but right now there's no money. So no help right now. I am remaining hopeful.

A friend has a documentary that she would like me to be involved with and I think I'll work on and a number of others who are beginning to know that I do video work. Maybe I'll be busy over the summer :)

Otherwise I am trying to get healthier and get some exercise 3 times a week and trying to stay optimistic.

Hi, LOC! (waving back at you! :D )

-- spinner :cool:
School, about a shoot every other week with other film studies students, a college tv show I'm shooting, kids, wife, job search (may have found a perfect one that pays the bills and lets me stay in school full time :) ), paid off my second car finally. foot of snow is melting in the driveway tomorrow...I'm sure Spinner saw that front move through.
A little update: I just found out today that my movie is pretty much available on any online movie and rental store. We're on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Netflix, Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, Tower, and a few more.

I've also been getting scattered reports of sightings on store shelves as far away as North Carolina - even though it officially launches next week. In fact, I went into a local video store today to take a look at it on a store shelf for the first time and it was already RENTED OUT! How cool is that?
Hi spinner, and all. Good to read you are all moving along with careers.

Things are fine here. Overworked and underpaid, nothing new :)

Going to shoot what is hopefully my final short in May. Really excited!
Hey everyone, doing great here. Great thread too Spinner.

I think someone could make a movie off my life right now. I'm pursuing my film dreams while at the same time trying not to fail out of college because of it. Seriously, less than a year to go and I'm almost abandoning school because of my new passion. Oh well, I'm trying to skate by just enough so I don't get kicked out.

Hope that makes everyone feel better about their day! LOL...good luck to everyone working on things right now.