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How fast do you write?

How many pages/ day or pages/ hour can you write? I can only do like 5 a day.
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I use to have to be in the mood to write which I would get around 3 pages, however my new method I'm able to write 10 pages or more in a day.

watch a film of a similar genre/theme, then get the OST and listen to it over and over again while writing and it comes to me a lot quicker i feel the mood more.
With a good 4-hour block, and if I'm on a roll, I can usually knockout a good 15-20 pages. Most days, though, something's bound to break the focus.

Then again, during my first reading, I'd rather have taken 2 months to have a 90 page script of powerful writing than 1 week for a 120 page spiral bound lump of crap.
Doesn't really matter, in my opinion, keep your butt in the chair and keep writing your heart out. Every day if at all possible, but avoid comparing your speed to others. Regularity is more important than specific hours, it seems to me. I've written short scripts in one hour; a feature script in 1 year (I may cry all over you about that one), or a highly technical memo from one geek to another in 15 minutes... Sometimes it depends more on how hard it is to "crack" the particular story.

When it comes to first drafts (of anything), I go like the wind to simply get it done and keep the "editor" part of my brain out of the way. Writing is rewriting, so the sooner you get the sucker done, the sooner you can move onto refining the piece in a way that others may enjoy.