How essential is a z finder (dslr)

when shooting video with a dslr? given i wont be using an external monitor.
ex. outdoor shoots etc.

I just purchased my first "rig" , and i was wondering if i really must include the z-finder.. given the prices and all. But it wont hurt my pocket to much if i know its a necessity.
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its nice to have a z finder or a monitor. ull get the shot u want faster that way.

it is not absolutely essential though. u can always use techniques like zooming in, measuring but perhaps less of ur shots will be spot on and usable and itll consume more time.

the majority of the ppl out there with dslrs do not use z finders or monitors.
How much time do you have?

No, really. I mean on the shoot. I guess it depends on who's running things, and the particulars of each shoot, but my experience is actually the opposite of Ernest's -- using the camera's display is the quickest.

I will agree, though, that you end up with a higher percentage of shots that just aren't quite right, when you use the camera's display. When you finally see it blown up on you computer's monitor, you'd be surprised how many things sneak in that you didn't notice when watching on the puny camera's display.

So, to that end, I think the benefit of a monitor or Z-finder is that it allows you to more easily catch those little details that are actually quite huge. And, as you notice all those little differences, you're going to spend more time fixing them, on set. Which is why, in my experience, a Z-finder actually adds time to your shoot, cuz you're gonna notice more stuff. That's good.

So, do you have time for that? Do you have time to pay attention to every little detail? Kudos to you, if you truly do. To be upfront, this is an area in which many (maybe most) people on this forum disagree with me. If I can paraphrase their logic, they say that you should take your time and do it right. By my logic, at the extremely-low-budget level of filmmaking, doing it right means doing it quickly, for many reasons.

So, how essential is a Z-finder? I dunno. Depends on your style of production. Me? I'm a run-and-gun kinda guy; I don't have time for a Z-finder. Are you like me? Or, are your shoots a little more deliberate? If so, you might really like a Z-finder.
But it wont hurt my pocket to much if i know its a necessity.

If it's within the budget you set for your equipment, and doesn't mean sacrificing something you would get more use out of, then I'd probably get one. Also, if you are used to using a viewfinder, then it is beneficial to shoot the way you are comfortable. If you are more inclined to shoot from a small lcd (seen guys do this), then probably not a necessity.
I feel, from shooting with our 5D, both with and without a monitor. That the monitor is an aid, a necessity if you're a perfectionist. The matter of "time" is interesting, it could hinder aswell-as i've mentioned- aid the flow. Yet, i totally understand C-Funk.

You will notice imperfections in your shot, but these imperfections may have arised, in a less prominent fashion in post, or perhaps on your view finder, that may not have enabled you to decifer what it was that was off-key, resulting in numerous, time-consuming efforts to reconcile. It's a huge help. Giving you the best inkling on set of what footage, and the quality of what you're going to carry into post.