I once met a woman who wrote Romance novels that named her characters by grabbing slips of paper with names written on them out of a bowl. Interestingly enough she also used this technique to plant plot twists by placing all the characters names into one bowl and some scandalous acts like "murders" or "has sex with" into another, then she'd get combinations like "Poke murders Zen" or "Indie has sex with Will Vincent."
Anyway, I think that's one way to name a character, but I prefer to give my characters names that mean something, at least to me. For instance, most of my protagonists have four letter names like "Jack" or "Mike" or "Pete" because I have a four letter name - Nick. I've also named a protag after a nickname I had in high school - "Woody." I name a lot of characters after family members. I'll switch a name up a bit if the character is solely based on someone - I had two managers at a movie theater I worked for - Todd Hecht and Stewart Bigham - I named a character based on them Todd Bigham.
How do you name your characters?
Anyway, I think that's one way to name a character, but I prefer to give my characters names that mean something, at least to me. For instance, most of my protagonists have four letter names like "Jack" or "Mike" or "Pete" because I have a four letter name - Nick. I've also named a protag after a nickname I had in high school - "Woody." I name a lot of characters after family members. I'll switch a name up a bit if the character is solely based on someone - I had two managers at a movie theater I worked for - Todd Hecht and Stewart Bigham - I named a character based on them Todd Bigham.
How do you name your characters?