How did I miss this? Iron Sky

I know! It looks so ridiculous fun IDK how they made it suck - but they did!

When I first saw the trailer I thought "This is gonna be brain-dead bubblegum great!", but when I saw how few theater owners were going to show it I knew it was gonna be a stinker.

Amazingly, somehow, it's at one of my county's farther away libraries, so I'm just gonna wait for some other fools to quit checking it out.
It might be cr@p, but it's popular cr@p that's not so obscure despite limited release that other's ain't lookin' for it, either!

Udo desperately needs a screenplay written just for him, before he gets much older.
RT comments indicate an acknowledgement of promising premise but just doesn't deliver.

Sounds like another Sucker Punch, Skyline, Battle:L.A., et al sorta deal.

I'll be getting the disc of this, I reckon. :blush:
:lol: You'll buy ANYTHING, won't you?! :lol:
I saw this months ago. It's very kitsch-y. Not quite camp, but not quite serious.

It's funny in places where it doesn't mean to be, but it's also very funny in places where it does. Not a bad was to waste and hour and a half....
The movie's received very mixed reviews, but personally I liked it quite a bit.

It does have some problems with the writing and pacing, but overall it is very enjoyable.

I don't know if you are aware of the history of the production, but basically the director and VFX guy are known amongst Star Trek and Babylon 5 geeks for their long running Star Wreck series they did in Finland, first it started as short animations, leading up to a feature length film made on a $10,000 or so budget, 90% of it filmed in one of their mom's basement, and most of the CGI done by Samuli Torssonen, the guy who started the whole thing.

They released the movie on the internet for free, and they've actually sold it to numerous countries since.

This was in 2005. After that they started working on Iron Sky, they basically worked their asses off since then, producing teasers and trailers to entice investors.
In the end they managed to raise almost a million bucks in donations and investments from fans of their Star Wreck movies.

At the end they made it with Finnish, German and Australian money, making it an international co-production.

The entire budget was under $10 million I believe.

Also what's amazing is the CGI, which is on par with most big budget Hollywood productions IMO, was done in only 9 months by a team of 20 or so.

My hat's off to them, an incredible feat.
It was so bad I couldn't even finish it. They made the wrong kind of bad movie. Argh. I very much wanted to enjoy this, but it just... it just doesn't work on any level. And this from a guy who likes campy B-movies...
It was so bad I couldn't even finish it. They made the wrong kind of bad movie. Argh. I very much wanted to enjoy this, but it just... it just doesn't work on any level. And this from a guy who likes campy B-movies...
Yeah... that's what I'm afraid of.

Been there. Done that. It's pushin' rope while the lady's looking at the drapes wondering if a different shade would brighten the room. :(
I enjoyed it, but their ending insulted a lot of my friends who came to see it. A political statement to some degree but that alone is likely what shot that film in the foot, beyond that its B status couldn't save it.

Special effects are amazing!
Im watching it now, its pretty funny..

I'm at the part where they
mock the Hitler Video Meme (you know the one, where Hitler freaks out with various topic de-jour subtitles)
Thats just cool.. lol

I will say that Im also debugging a VM problem at the same time, but meh..

EDIT: Finished, acceptable waste of time. I dont know if the attempt at seriousness was comic irony or not.. I cant imagine they REALLY expected the serious seeming parts to actually be taken seriously.. oh well.. i had fun..
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Thank you for reminding us of this, Wheat. I didn't know it was on NF. I thought it was kinda entertaining. And yeah, pretty good looking for under 10 million.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. Personally, I loved IRON SKY. I'd followed the progression of this film since it's pre-production days and the release of the very first teaser trailer (about three years). This film lived up to my every expectation of it, visually, and was actually a lot funnier than I expected it to be. More importantly, this movie was made exactly the way I want to make movies and that is uber inspiring to me.
It sucked because instead of living up to the fantastical promise of the premise, they just went and pandered to the lowest common denominator. The resulting effect was "meh". The movie would have been far better (and potentially funnier) had they just played it straight.