
So, I'm a 19 year old who just recently got a rekindled passion for directing/acting. From the ages of 13/16 I was bent on doing this until my parents basically all but crushed my dreams. I gave up for a while and decided to pursue other paths. Recently though, I've been thinking about my talents and passions and realized that this was still my real passion. So, I guess I'm here to get tips and surround myself around people like me.

Oh, and the name's David.
Why you let people crush your dreams?! Knock that off!

What kind of films you dig? :cool:
I watch almost any kind of movies, but my favorites are probably horror and comedy.

I also love a good thought provoking drama.
Welcome Grasshopper!
I'm one of the audio guys here.
Always remember:

Your project will only look as good as it sounds, because
"Sound is half of the experience"


"Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"
"Young man, how is it that you do not?"