
Hello everyone...who reads this. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I think I have been a member for a little while but what can you do. I recently moved to SC :( . I lived in Canada for twelve years and loved it. The south has been a very, lets say interesting experience for me thus far. I moved here two years ago when I was 17, my senior year :( That was not fun.
I am not exactly a film maker, but I love what you guys do. Before I moved here that is what I was going to go to school for, but things happen. So yes indeed that is me.
Welcome. I've always enjoyed Canada when I've visited. I imagine a Canadian-turned-deep-American-South influence on a film could be an interesting POV, whenever you do pick up a camera...

And by the way, Steve, since this member is only 19, I presume that's root beer you're toasting with?
It's 18 in Canada

Bottoms up!! :beer:
Like others on this board have said... You'll be picking up a cam soon enough.
Maybe you and bensmerglia can get together and make a southern flic. :woohoo: YEEEEHAAAWWWW
Hey wow. I moved from Ohio to SC in September 2002, and I really don't like it either. So, what part of SC are you in? Btw, welcome.

I'm outside Myrtle Beach

I've made some really bad student films, with all the cheesy effects. I think the best part of that whole experience was trying to figure out the lighting.