Hi, New member here.

Hi, Im new to film making, I wish to pick up some basic advice. My daughter (9) and myself want to make a film and I figured this would be a good place to start, Starting with software. We need some free software to edit our film and add some special effects. We have cameras and some lighting, we are preparing a storyboard and thinking about sets. Photography has been a hobby of mine for a short while but film making is totally new to me. So, we are both looking forward to learning new skills as we follow this journey. Thanks in advance, Rob.

Your project will only look as good as it sounds, because

"Sound is half of the experience"

If your film looks terrible but has great sound, people might just think it's your aesthetic.
If your film looks great and has bad sound, people will think you're an amateur.

Sound is the first indicator to the industry that you know what you're doing.

Make sure that you look into some decent, basic sound equipment.
Cool, thankyou, I have different apps on the PC that I can play with , Audacity, EAC, and a few programs that I use for recording music, my mics arnt the best though. But I totally agree, crap , thin sound can ruin a film.