Hi! I am an editor, sound designer and composer (looking for projects!)

I am based in the South East and graduated last year with a 2.1 in Audio Design and Production. I have a background as a classical violinist before taking up bass guitar and touring around in a band. I am now looking to build my portfolio of Audio work and am on the look out for ANY work I can contribute to. whether it be 10 seconds or an hour. I have a full mix/monitoring setup using both Logic Studio and Pro Tools 10. I also have a quite capable location recording rig (Rodes NTG-2 + Deadcat + Pistol Grip, Zoom H4n + rycote windjammer)

I have a few examples of some very abstract composition work here: http://alex-j-paul.tumblr.com/
It was part of my final project which involved taking 3d rendering of H R Giger's Artwork (Alien film series amongst other things) and composing some fittingly disturbing music&audio.

So yes, Hi!
I shot a very short horror film a few months ago with no sound at all. I was looking for someone to do the sound design (no dialogue, just ambiance and foley) and I moved on since. It's still sitting on my computer and would like to see how it turns out with sound.

Wanna take a chance ?

Oh and why is there a #masseffect tag on that tumblr picture ? Did you work on a ME related project ?
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I would love to take the chance, im looking for anything that can build my portfolio and horror is always great!
Unfortunately I haven't worked on ME officially, I just decided to take a 5 minute cut-scene from ME2 and completely re-do all audio. Sort of as an ongoing project!
Okay, I sent you a message with some details.

Good luck on your ME project. I just love those games and the music plays no small part in that fact.
Hi Alex, I had a listen to your Giger piece and it was very interesting. Basically Im shooting my first zero budget feature at the minute, we're about a third finished, then in the summer I plan to edit everything and sort out the soundtrack and what have you.

I've asked around for people to do the soundtrack and I have a few that could possibly do it, but based on your giger pieces I would definitely consider you.

At the minute I'm mainly concerned with wrapping up filming, which should happen some time at the end of May, but if you're interested I can send you the script and more details, you could possibly help over the summer. Oh and Im Birmingham based so not too far away. I know its a pretty big undertaking to do for free, but if I give you more details Im sure you'll have enough faith in the project
Hi Alex, I had a listen to your Giger piece and it was very interesting. Basically Im shooting my first zero budget feature at the minute, we're about a third finished, then in the summer I plan to edit everything and sort out the soundtrack and what have you.

I've asked around for people to do the soundtrack and I have a few that could possibly do it, but based on your giger pieces I would definitely consider you.

At the minute I'm mainly concerned with wrapping up filming, which should happen some time at the end of May, but if you're interested I can send you the script and more details, you could possibly help over the summer. Oh and Im Birmingham based so not too far away. I know its a pretty big undertaking to do for free, but if I give you more details Im sure you'll have enough faith in the project

It sounds great to me, roughly how long is the piece? I'm realy taken back how already the community here seems to be very enthusiastic and supportive, it's brilliant!