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Help Me Help You! Looking for film(s) to distribute! Success Guaranteed.

Hello all, this is my first post as you can all see. First and foremost I'd like to say that you guys have a great community here. To the admin, nice site!

I'll get straight to the point. First and foremost my bold claim in the title "Success Guaranteed". Reason being I'm currently looking for an indie filmmaker whom I can purchase a license from to sell your film as 4,000 units.

I'm looking for HD material only. Preferably a movie, but a great documentary could sway otherwise. The film would be put onto blu-ray and again our license from you would be to sell 4k units only.

-the title would have to be over 1 hr in length
-HD quality
-special features etc a plus
-Quality, quality... quality.

You can post youtube trailers in this thread or PM me them. If interested we can discuss further.

Do you have a film that is good/great and you just want to get it OUT THERE! Haven't had the finances of getting it pressed up NICELY? We're interested in checking it out! We have promotional tools already in place and the movie we choose will sell!

Perhaps this is THE opportunity for you. And as I'm not accustomed to the quality of films this community is representative of perhaps it could open the door for more ventures with more filmmakers as if the first is as successful as we plan then we'd be looking to continue to work with more filmmakers.
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If the company is new... how have you established your customer base who will be purchasing the finished product? What is the company? What is the demographic of the customer base? How much are you offering the filmmakers for their works?

We own/operate a movie community website. It has flourished well over the years. While we've always made money, we became an official company last year. (So yes we are a new business with limited funding; but we are a profitable business and always have been ) We have a very passionate movie collector community and we know how to market towards our community. We have a successful site and thus I have contacts with most major movie studios world wide. Major movie studios want to do huge runs in regards to qty and while we are successful... trying to move like 50k is just not feasible yet. We are good at what we do ... but we dont make films, alas that is why I'm here. We're looking to press up 4k in a special edition blu-ray to sell on our site. Major movie studios have been a hurdle to say the least in regards to a qty so low. Additionally, we have far better connections with movie studios abroad but that doesnt help us in regards to us being located in the USA and needing licensing through the USA studio. However if we work with a filmmaker and the filmmaker owns the content then we can skip the charade of the big studio and get things moving.

Have you made other successful business ventures in the past that you could provide as a business prospectus for potential content developers?

Yes, we own 3 movie sites in our web-ring with 2 being very well respected in the industry. Anyone who submits a trailer that piques our interest will learn more of our operation and our sites etc. I'm not purposely trying to leave everyone in the dark but in all honesty as I'm new to this site I do not even know if this is going to be a place that we'll be able to find the talent/content or a wasted opportunity. Obviously I'm hoping for the best and hoping to be surprised and hoping to help out an up and coming film maker as well. I personally feel like it a great opportunity for the film maker as its only been the hurdles that we've faced that has brought us here. If the major studios were playing ball then we honestly wouldnt be going to these measures. In regards to affiliate commissions alone we've soldout titles of 4k qty in less than a week at pre-order. We've done that for 6 different titles. Granted these are films with either critical acclaim or blockbusters. I dont feel that happening with any Indy film but I do have strong faith in us being able to move 1k. Hopefully the 4k but I feel more confident of the 1k ... But again all this depends on the content/film to which hopefully we are very moved and passionate about........

You've met the response you have here because some of our community members have horror stories of business dealings gone horribly wrong. Your offer is bold, sudden and seems to good to be true - which these types of things often are. So we're just asking for proof of previous successes from your company.

I understand that ... and I understand that most people especially new people who come around posting something as bold as I have must sound exactly that .... too good to be true. However its been our struggles from our business which is at the other end of the spectrum that has brought us here. You guys are the filmmakers and we move product. We dont do any digital distribution which I see many people coming here and offering that. We're talking about us seeing a trailer that is good enough for us to want to see the film and then decide if we want to make the filmmaker an offer to allow us to sell only 4k qty max. In a sense this offer is too good to be true because you have the power to decline the offer ... simply as. But that's the truth of it.

It's an expensive project for us, but its something we want to accomplish in 2013. This is not a get rich scheme for any of us ... but if successful we'd like to wash/rinse/repeat.

The success of our run depends on the quality of the film so obviously we'd be very picky.
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I'll talk with my partners and see if they want that out there ... I'm sure at some point it would get out there anyways. I received one trailer and it had great editing and looked interesting so that does make me feel better of this.
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I don't find anything untoward with the user's links they've provided me for research... the names match in the whois lookups on the domains to posted information both here and on linkedin.com for this user. The other folks looking at the linkedin profile match statements made here.

The statements made to me in the PM match the information garnered from their sites. Other than my natural paranoia (well documented on this site), I don't see any reason not to contact them initially to gauge interest.

All that's left is to see what kind of terms are being offered and the biggie; rights and ownership after the purchase.

edit: I am not doing anything other than stating that their claims seem true. And it's me personally, not IndieTalk.