Hello From Wyoming, USA.

Hi there. I just want to introduce myself, after lurking for a year and finally getting round to contributing.

I am living and making films in Laramie, Wyoming, but am originally from Leicester, England. I moved permanently to the US in 2010. I lived in Virginia for a year and am now set up in Wyoming and loving it.

I shot my first feature this year with a bunch of volunteers who had never made a film before. 68 people were involved from the smallest contribution to the biggest (that would be me!). We shot for 10 weekends, over a twelve week period.

I am currently editing. 19 minutes of the film needs audio completely re-doing and I am about to do ADR for the first time. Luckily for me, I have a friend in the business who is an audio engineer/ADR guy and has worked on a number of films and tv shows.

I still have a lot to do, but hope to have something to show by the end of the year.

For a first feature, that cost almost no money, with a crew of complete amateurs, I think it's going to turn out pretty good and I am excited to have people see it. Watch this space...

I have a very low-budget set-up. Two Panasonic HC-X900M camcorders, two Rode shotgun microphones, a Rode NTG-2 microphone, Rode Blimp, Rode boom-pole, Tascam DR-100 MK2, two nasty tripods, a couple of LED lighting panels and of course, some chicken heat lamps with bulbs in.

The wife has completely cut me off from spending any more money on equipment, but I figure that if I cant make a decent film with the equipment I have, then I don't deserve new stuff anyway.

I really like this forum. I have learned a lot from it. So thank you!

I play soccer three times per week, like first person shooters on my PC, drive a 1996 Yukon. My favorite bands/singers are: Rush, Marillion, Fish, The Icicle Works, Ian McNabb. Um, er, I have three cats, I have a steel-tip darts night every other Wednesday during the warmer months in my garage, and a Dungeons & Dragons night every other Wednesday in my house during the winter months. I also have a vinyl records night every couple of months in my sunroom.

Welcome! Soccer! You've been truly americanized now my friend

I did that to myself. Shame on me! I have been a supporter of Metrostars/New York Red Bulls for 16 years and just slipped into saying 'soccer'. I didn't impress anyone. Lol. (First team is and will always be, Leicester City FOOTBALL Club!

Hello new dude :cool:
Thanks for the extra welcomes. I'm hoping I can show a finished film to people at Christmas. But that's pushing it. I wouldn't get too excited. It's a pretty rough and ready production. I learned a helluva lot whilst making it though. Next years film? No excuses!
Tim Cahill is great. :)

The film is about a young woman who meets a guy with a dark secret and quickly falls obsessively in-love with him. As quickly as the relationship develops, it just as quickly begins to unravel.

There are not many laughs. I can tell you that!