Hello from Vegas via Brooklyn, NY

Hello everyone,

My friends call me AC, for the most part...lol I've been looking around in the forum for some time. I always find the answers to everything I have always looked for and just wanted to say thanks for being so helpful by sharing your knowledge.

As for me, I have always played around with A/V ever since a kid. I'm a day trader in the day and Author at night, however I'm a full time geek for the most part at this stage of my life. My book "NewYorican" hit #1 best sellers twice in the True Crimes section of Amazon. Pick up a copy if you'd like (cough,cough) plug in...

I have recently joined a film team here in Vegas and hope to become a decent film maker. My true intent is to one day be able to direct or be a part of making one of my books into a movie. Hey dreaming doesn't cost much, right? And I have somewhat decent equipment to practice with.

Well, there it is in a nutshell guys and gals. Once again thank you all for all of the valuable information you share everyday.

AC Cruz

Welcome to the forums! :cool:

You can post your work over in the Screening Room.


Any filmmaking questions?
