Hello From London + Question about a basic kit.

Heya Guys,

This is my first post but I've been reading as much as I can. I'd just like to say that this is a great forum and I thank you all for the extremely useful information on here.

I'm completely new to filmmaking but from what I've understood, the only way to really learn is by doing. So today I bought my first ever camera! I already feel like Spielberg god knows what I'm going to be like if I ever produce something good :P

The camera is the Hitachi DZ-HV565E for £117. From what I understand it's not really available outside of the UK so here's a link to a review if you were wondering.


I've also managed to secure a copy of Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection, which I cant wait to experiment with. It looks like I'm on my way to having a very basic kit which I'm really happy about!

Light's shouldn't be too complicated to do on the cheap (I hope) but what's really on my mind is Audio. I wouldn't have even thought about it had Alcove Audio not kindly mentioned (at every chance :P ) that quality audio is half of the game.

I have no idea where to even begin with audio, I was thinking about getting a mic, an old school big memory ipod and one of those technical box things (did I mention that I was new? lol) that connect the two so you can record directly onto it. I'd also attach the mic onto a broom or pole, to mimic a boom.

My question is, what's the cheapest possible way to do this while getting decent quality sound? I haven't even made a short yet so I'm aware that I don't need anything amazing but I do want to do this right so that I understand the principles from the beginning.

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this guys and please do keep up your quality advice, I really appreciate it.


Ps how would you feel about a best posts section? You could just sticky a thread in which we could put links to other threads that are quality or great advice. Just a thought.
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Holy crap!

I am so excited right now, I just got an email back saying that my random request for an internship at a production company is being discussed by the gatekeepers! Woooo Hooooo! I've been networking on facebook hardcore since my first post, I've had a billion "not right now but keep in touch" replies, I changed my approach each time and this is the first one that looks promising!

If I get this internship I'll at least be on a ladder to climb, for someone who doesn't have any connections or even anything solid to show this is amazing! Can't lose track of where I am though, it's still a long shot and a "no" is still possible.

Nothing has changed, I'll continue networking here in london and have secured the lead male for my first short, things are starting to come together. Watch this space.

Oh and thanks for the warm welcome guys (kidding, you're all still fonzie-cool in my eyes!)

Hey guys,

Guess what? I have an interview for the role of Production Assistant at a production company. I passed a phone interview and will be meeting up with them on the 28th! Being completely new to the industry this is a big deal for me. If anyone has any advice on things I could do to improve my chances of getting the job I'd love to hear them.

Thanks for reading,
I have no idea where to even begin with audio, I was thinking about getting a mic, an old school big memory ipod and one of those technical box things (did I mention that I was new? lol) that connect the two so you can record directly onto it. I'd also attach the mic onto a broom or pole, to mimic a boom.

My question is, what's the cheapest possible way to do this while getting decent quality sound? I haven't even made a short yet so I'm aware that I don't need anything amazing but I do want to do this right so that I understand the principles from the beginning.
I haven't personally tried recording the audio to an iPod but
it seems like a reasonable, inexpensive solution when you
buy a camera without an audio input. The cheapest possible
way, is what you have already mentioned. You want to the
the mic as close to the actors as possible and a shotgun mic
on a pole will do that. I've made a lot of movies using a cheap
shotgun mic on a painters pole. It's a great way to begin.
I haven't personally tried recording the audio to an iPod but
it seems like a reasonable, inexpensive solution when you
buy a camera without an audio input. The cheapest possible
way, is what you have already mentioned. You want to the
the mic as close to the actors as possible and a shotgun mic
on a pole will do that. I've made a lot of movies using a cheap
shotgun mic on a painters pole. It's a great way to begin.

In one of the other threads, I thought someone mentioned trying this, and apparently the sound was pretty poor quality....
Hi Ziggy!

How are the Spiders doing? (Sorry, I couldn't resist the David Bowie reference!)

Yes, recording to an iPod can be done. The results are going to be somewhere between poor and okay depending upon your audio knowledge & skills and the audio equipment available to you.

Check out my blog, put together a budget and get back to us; we'll see what we can do for you.
Hey everyone!

thanks for the replies, I just need decent audio for now to learn the ropes so I'll probably try the shotgun mic and see how I get on, I'll be sure to check out your blog Alcove!

So today I have a meeting with a filmmaker just out of film school, I've found a subsection of people who've just graduated and want to work on projects for free, it's funny, they may have more experience than me but not much to show for it so we're essentially on the same level.

I had an idea for a feature this week, It's a clear three act structure with an explosive heart felt ending where one of the main characters dies for the finale, it'll be my homage to Al Pacino's acting in the scene where his daughter dies in Godfather part three. I'm quite excited about this as its my first screenplay with a complete plot structure.

I'll be pitching my idea at the meeting today, he has equipment, if he likes the idea we may start working on this officially.

There's a lot going on right now. Good things are on the horizon, watch this space!

Haha, Hola Seright!

Guys guess what! the guy I met with today has actually started his own production company (which means he has people and a 7 thousand pound camera) and has some money put aside for features. Turns out he loved my pitch and want's to be part of the project with all of his backing (meaning people, equipment and some money)

Now I need to write up the script and rewrite until I have the film down completely, we'll be meeting up again next week. God so much is going on, I think I might have a future in producing actually. I'm good with people and can be quite persuasive, it's certainly something I will be looking into.

I'm doing this all on the fly so it's very exciting, I'll keep you guys updated!

Haha, Hola Seright!

Guys guess what! the guy I met with today has actually started his own production company (which means he has people and a 7 thousand pound camera) and has some money put aside for features. Turns out he loved my pitch and want's to be part of the project with all of his backing (meaning people, equipment and some money)

Now I need to write up the script and rewrite until I have the film down completely, we'll be meeting up again next week. God so much is going on, I think I might have a future in producing actually. I'm good with people and can be quite persuasive, it's certainly something I will be looking into.

I'm doing this all on the fly so it's very exciting, I'll keep you guys updated!


That is awesome, congratulations and keep at it. The harder you work the more lucky you get right?
I had no idea that I'd make so much progress before doing anything really, It feels a bit like I'm running before having learned to walk to be honest, I have a production company wanting my work, problem is I've never done this before, any of it. I've never written or made anything before, I've got the gift of the gab but I'm a little scared my mouth is writing cheques that my talent can't cash. I haven't written since I found out they want more too. Think I'm having an "Oh maybe I can't do this" moment.

Have any of you felt that way or was your progression less volatile?
