Hello everyone :) I have a question

Hope to meet nice people here :)

I am from Poland. In the future I wanna make films with another people together. I prefer subjects about religion especially Christianity and psychology. My dream is to study making the films in Canada, so I work on my three drafts of my screenplays and I am going to send two to USA and 1 to England. If directors will accept my ideas maybe I would learn something about directing and earn money for study.

Because of writing something from soul my life looks a little bit like a mess. :(
I can't concentrate on my high school and my marks are horrible but this passion in my heart :(

I lent from library in my town in Poland the book Steven Katz- Shot by shot, but this is in Polish.
I need somebody to give me a link or scan this book in English.

Guys if it's possible please help me

THANK YOU for reading this
Sie ma! :cool: Witamy! :hi:

Mieszkawam w Warszawie za 9 mieszency w liceum. Bylam exchange-studenka. Kocham Polska.

W Lodzi jest bardzo dobry uniwersytet filmowy.


That was fun. Stick around. There's a lot of great stuff to be learned here :)
Advice from Uncle Bob (not that you'll want to hear it or will do it)...

Get your act together at school. It seems stupid or a waste of time now, but learning, especially doing research, is a huge asset when you're in the arts and entertainment, especially if you're a writer. Another aspect is the discipline, which is a paramount virtue for creative types. Oh, and the math will allow you to be sure that you're not getting screwed by your agent or manager.

Good luck and welcome!