Hello and such

Hello there!

I'm Mahmut, a writer/director from London and I just discovered this forum and decided to join. Bully for me, right?

A little background, I've been writing for about a decade and have been involved in filmmaking for almost that long. I've in the last couple of years begun to work independently as a director and I'm finding working with actors thrilling. Its one thing to create a character on the page and another to help one come to life with real people!

I hope this hasn't been too tiresome an introduction. Again, hello!

Yup, I'm a British-Turk. Currently trying to get a short film funded, a neo-noir detective story about a woman trying to find the causes of a suicide rather than find a murderer.

More long term I'm writing a couple of feature films, mostly science-fiction and fantasy, but some more realist dramas too.
Sci-fi is great! I watched an amazing German science-fiction film called Transfer the other day, which I now keep raving about and forcing everyone I know to watch.

I'm trying to raise funds through an indiegogo campaign, I've never tried crowdfunding before so its a bit daunting but I feel its going alright. I'm not sure if its alright to link to it, but there is a video on the page where I do show some of my previous work if you're interested!
