archived-videos Harley and Selina Trailer

Harley and Selina Trailer Updated

We recently completed an eight minute short film for a comic convention film contest. Since Batman Begins is being released this summer we wanted to set it in the Batman universe without involving Batman himself. So it is based on Harley Quinn and Selina Kyle (Catwoman) in a therapy session at Arkham Asylum.

Two of Gotham City's most notorious female villains have been captured. Having trouble adjusting to life in Arkham Asylum, they are called to a therapy session by Dr. Livingston. His hope, to get them to open up about their lives and help them to adjust to life in the asylum. But handling these women is more than the good doctor can handle at times.

In the vein of "Grayson" and "Worlds Finest" , Harley and Selina takes place in the Batman universe and struggles to uncover the inner workings of two extremely different costumed villains now trying to survive in Arkham Asylum.

I would really like your opinions on the trailer whether it be good or bad. I'm just looking for some feedback to help me grow as a filmmaker. Hope you enjoy the trailer.

Harley and Selina Trailer

Thank you for your time,
Rock Art Digital
Rock Art Digital Website
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The whole concept of this is awsome. I think you did a very good job on this trailer, this looking sweet. And, I'm in need of a good laugh.

Thanks for the kind words. When we finally find a place to host the actual film, I'll be sure to let you know.

The concept is good, but I think the execution is a bit off. Something I've stated before is my dislike of shots in trailers where characters are talking, but we can't hear them. Most of the shots you have here are of that nature. I think it would have worked to your advantage to show more reaction shots, and less dialogue shots.

I was

just about to say what Poke said. While I was watching it I was thinking about how it would be cool if you take shots and audio of them talking and kind of put it into a collage hitting the high points of the conversation while trying to intertwine them. Like if one person says something then the other persons dialog is something close you know what I mean? I think something like that might help raise interest and I'd shorten it a little also and keep the text. Just my opinion.

Thanx for showing it. Let us know if you make changes and when you get the film up.
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Trailers Updated

Well after the advice of folks on this board and a couple of other boards, we decided to update the Harley and Selina Trailer. On another board it was recommended to put a catch phrase over the titles so the audience could at least hear the girls speak. So we did that and updated the trailer on the website here:

Harley and Selina Trailer

We also sat down and created an entirely new trailer more along the lines of what people on the boards said they wanted to see.

Harley and Selina Trailer 2

Please let us know what you think of the update and the new trailer. We hope you enjoy them.

Wow the footage looks great. What camera did you shoot this on? ( also if anyone can help, i can't figure out how to upload qt files into indietalk from my comp. PM me if you can help please. )

Thanks for watching! We shot the short on two DVX 100's. They were both calibrated on the set using a laptop and DVRack. We used the exsiting lighting in the room and then CC in post.

As far as uploading movies, I think you need to be a premiere member in order to upload the files to Indie Talk. I use my own web server to host my stuff and then just link to it in the message.

Hope this helps.

It looks great, i don't think i've seen footage of a dvx, only grabs. I'm getting a website soon so i might wait until then for posting films. Thanks.
Good to see a second trailer... though I think it has its own faults, too.

The second trailer no longer has the "women in uniform", so to speak. The first trailer did. (As Harley & Selina in Bat-villian costume)

I think you could make a perfect blend by keeping the first & last quarter of the first trailer... and plonking the middle half of the second trailer into it. (The parts with dialogue, anyway)

That way one gets to see the Batman correlations, along with the audio in the middle. :cool:

For the record, Harley Quinn was most impressively done in the Batman Animated Series. Actually, the whole series was very well done, but Harley in particular. She's always been a great (and sympathetic) character.


Lux: If you have a file that needs temporary hosting, send me a PM. The ZenWeasel server has a wee bit of space left. ;)
"Your voice is making my ears bleed"

Hi Chris and everyone,
I'm coming in late to the thread I know, but just wanted to say I thought it was pretty cool. It's an awesome idea and actresses look the part. I especially like the Dr getting more frustrated as he tries to council them. Out of the two, I prefer the second because the personality of Selina & Harley comes through. If you could add the shots of them in costume and a little of the Dr as suggest above I think that would be the best of both worlds.

How long will the film run for? I know a few fanfilm sites that would love to see this if you don't mind me spreading the word?
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We spent the last week finishing the DVD for the cast and crew and now I can work on getting it on line. I'll keep you posted when it is up.

Thanks so much,