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watch Happens - Short Film for an Interpretations Film Contest

Hellooooo Indietalk.

This is a short film that I just entered into the Interpretations Film contest hosted by YOMYOMF(You Offend Me You Offend My Family).

The challenge was to create a 3 minute film that strictly interprets a 4 line script in this order:
"It's not something I'd do."
"It's not what I expected."
"You sure?"

I'd love to get feedback, critiques, thoughts on our video. Thanks!

Here is the link to the video:

Also visiting this page will help generate hits for our page, which helps us win! That is if you like the film of course =).
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Awsome..HAHAHA But right at the very end, you could have showed a facial change on the "boss" with a close up. He sticks his head in the door, has a serious/slightly disgusted look and then it melts to a feindish smile.
Oh man--now that I think about it, that would have been a sweet ending.

Paul was telling me that the boss should've smiled--rubbed his hands together--and walk in to join in the fun. Haha.