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watch "Hampton", my Home

Was that an especially patriotic day, or are flags all over the place like that everyday?

The flags were everywhere! :cool:
Well, there was a football or rugby game today i think and the Royal Wedding was just a couple of weeks or so ago.

Thats the UK. They are really proud of their country. I am german myself, we only have flags everywhere when the world cup is on :)
Those are some nice shots.
Very colorful & good composition.

I see you got your tripod's problematic pan head either fixed or replaced.
Also, you did some nice handheld work minus the shakey-cam look. Much appreciated.
I was thinking about practicing some of that in the next few weeks. Try to develop at least three different hand-held looks: improvised-steadycam look, crack-head with a camera, and I dunno... something else.
Thanks for the compliment. Means a lot!

If you want a way to do a steadycam with a tripod, you can spread the legs and if you have the stick for height adjustment in the middle, you can grab that. As the legs are spread apart, you will have some very smooth footage. I have a new show coming up soon on youtube, where I will explain what I mean :)

I can post a picture of the set up I used to do this video. I used a monitor on an articulating arm on the hot shoe. I could rest my head against the sunshade which gave me more support!

Again, thanks for the positive reaction!
We've gone crazy with the flags of late :rolleyes:

That was nice Phil. Because you're shooting on the T2i I really recommend (especially with non narrative shorts like this) utilising the awesome depth of field that it offers you.
Hey there,

Yeah, next time :) I filmed this with the kit lens, but I am just about to order Nikkor manual lenses from the US, to get some better control and nicer image quality.

Cheers for the tip! Will post my setup in a second!
Here we go:



And this was good to get more stable shots. Resting the forehead against the monitor!

Nice stuff! Loved the vivid colour of the flags and greenery - there were a couple of shots that I felt were a stop or so overexposed, but very well shot overall. I thought it was an interesting choice of music, but wasn't completely sure how well they complemented the visuals.

How're you finding the monitor for focus and general brightness/flare while working outside? I'd quite like a monitor and the battery grip you're using there, but I think I might have to settle for just one of them for the time being… which would you say was the more useful purchase?

Thank you chiliepie

I found both really useful, but if I would get one thing only, I guess it would be the monitor.
It is really nice to get the framing perfect and on the articulating arm, you can bend it to every position, without crouching all over the floor. Not expensive either on CoolLcd!

Although, the battery grip is also nice to have if you do timelapse as this can drain your battery quite fast, due to all these shutter actuations.

But then again, there is this battery grip: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003VQOTA2/ref=oss_product

Exactly the one I have, looked throught my amazon orders. £40 is really cheap and it comes with 2 batteries, which beat my original canon battery hands down!

Awesome buy. Id reccomend both.

But if only one, it has to be the monitor!