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I've got a scene in this web-series where my character is hallucinating due to dehydration and lack of sleep. I have some stuff shot so far, he sees apparitions of himself, then he thinks he can fly and blasts to space.

Anyone have any random ideas for hallucinations this guy can have? I would appreciate it.
you could use a opaque sort of custom filter that looks like dried skin, or dirt, to go with a POV shot that would be blurry and underexposed like he would be about to pass out?

thats the best i got, sorry, its verrry difficult to find a unique way to do druggy or hallucination sequences
So then he's like floating in space. He's floating around the planets...there's the sun...there's Mars...oh, there's Jupiter, so on. Then, Henry Kissinger in a space suit comes floating by out of nowhere, or maybe it's George W. (you should totally get Will Ferrell to play him), or, whatever odd personality that you wouldn't think would be floating around in space like that. Henry is carrying a serving tray with a teapot and three teacups sitting on it. There's also a homely monkey clinging to Henry's back, literally. Incongruously, the monkey is not wearing a spacesuit, but a three piece suit and a bowler hat. The monkey is sullen and silent, except that it grunts with disgust whenever Henry speaks. Henry gives your character a friendly greeting. Says, "Lovely weather today, hmm?" The monkey grunts with disgust. Henry offers your character a cup of tea. Your character (from here on out will be refered to as YC) assents to the offer. Henry nods and smiles. Henry delicately pours three cups of tea. He hands a cup to YC, then to the monkey, and daintily holds onto his own. Henry lets go of the tray and it and the teapot float off into space. YC sips his tea. Monkey sips his tea. Henry slides the viser of his helmet up and sips his tea too. When they're finished sipping, each lets his teacup float off into space. The monkey produces a joint (drug use okay?) which he had stowed away in his bowler. The Monkey takes a hit and passes it down to Henry, who also takes a hit. Henry exhales with great satisfaction. He offers the joint to YC, saying, "Hohhh, that's some good s---." The Monkey grunts disgustedly. YC takes a long hit. Pow! Flash of light, darkness, then brilliant colors. YC is riding shotgun in a convertible cruising down a California highway. It's a bright, sunny, warm day. Monkey is driving. But instead of steering with a normal car steering wheel, Monkey is steering with tricycle handlbars. The car is weaving and swerving wildly on the road. Henry is in the backseat wearing sunglasses, swimming trunks, a neon sun visor, and has a thick smear of sunblock on his nose. An oncoming cars swerves and narrowly avoids being clipped by Monkey's convertible. The other driver honks angrily. "Jesus, slow down, Dan [the Monkey's name, apparently]!" Henry howls at Dan, struggling to keep upright in his seat. Dan grunts disgustedly. YC notices that he still has the joint in his hand. He takes another hit. This time there are no pyrotechnics...and that's okay with YC. He smiles and offers the joint to Dan. Dan reaches for it while swerving especially wildly because of the distracting maneuver and another passing driver honks angrily. Dan takes a drag. Dan hands the joint back to Henry, who also takes a drag...

What else...

Don't do drugs. Drugs are bad. Marijuana probably causes cancer. It causes males to grow breasts. It causes short term memory loss and general apathy. What else. Never operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of pot. What else. Other bad stuff. This is not disengenous on the author's part; the author has never smoked marijuana in his life. Though he does favor legalization, of course, duh.

Uhhh, all similiarities of characters to people living or dead are coincidental or are used fictitiously...
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Cracker, you are absol)utely right and I know exactly what he needs to see...richy, i admire your writing capabilities and would be happy to purchase any novel you'd care to author.
Mussonman, that may be the nicest thing anyone's every said to me. Thank you. =)

And sorry if I was being self-centered by writing that silliness, instead of being more contructive and on point to your question. I like what Cracker said.
Obvious, I know, and more a director's job I guess, but I thought I'd mention that as far as I can recall, the stock way to emphasize to the audience that they're seeing hallucinations is to cut back and forth between reality and the hallucination. Shot of guy's face in his vision, then cut to a shot of him back in reality, all busted up and dehydrated and flaking, dopey look on his face, etc. Reminds the audience that it's a hallucination and keeps them grounded.
Look at the example of 127 hours.. and other real life examples..

Develop an image system, i.e. an visual cue like a bird or something, that will let the audience know that this is "not the real" but something next to it., relying on visual look will get tiring overtime..

In my short "Power Up" I had to show flashback\memories in the same setting, I opted for directional light change, and overall lightness\darkness differences.. with some twitchy transition.. seemed to work, most folks commented that the timeline of events was clear, even though I flashed back and forth in time every few moments..
think about most interesting things like a girl, fantasies which a person likes
and want but can never have and it comes true in hallucination, or worst fears
of the character comes true, or something interesting
I've got a scene in this web-series where my character is hallucinating due to dehydration and lack of sleep. I have some stuff shot so far, he sees apparitions of himself, then he thinks he can fly and blasts to space.

Anyone have any random ideas for hallucinations this guy can have? I would appreciate it.

Mouths on random things. That's pretty easy to green screen.
Maybe watch an episode of Tim & Eric, lol.