
Hello everyone. My name is Jason and I'm interested in the film making fun. I'm brand new to this forum.

I'm looking to get into some acting in some short films but want to touch base on directing, etc.

I'm currently residing in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and working full-time in the IT industry.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.
Sounds good man, remember it's not all fun though, a lot of work.

You can sign yourself up as both an actor and director, say you'll work on collab for set experience for any jobs possible, it'll suit you down to the ground until you get the know-how and know what route you want to take, acting or directing. I'm sure the rest of the folk will suggest you some other sites, I'm across the pond so that's the only neutral i can think of bud.

Just take any job or role offered and get your feet wet!

Goodluck bro