Greetings from the UK

Afternoon all!

I've been looking for a half-decent forum to join to discuss filmmaking projects and the like for a while now, and it looks like I've found a much better one, so I thought I'd sign up.

Little bit about me:-

My names not really Ramond Pliskin, it's just a working name I use with all my other written projects (novels, poetry etc)

I've never shot a film before in my life (I'll admit that), but I've been doing the acting thing since I was 10y/o (I'm now 18), and I want to try something else out.

I've been working on a screenplay for about a year and a half now and it's currently in it's second draft - a sort of modern-day surrealist Romeo & Juliet style thing. I've got a few actors interested in it, but I'm looking to network here for people with a little more experience than myself, and to learn a thing or two at the same time.

I wanna start shooting it next year, I almost short the first draft last year but it fell through a week before production.

I kinda get the feeling that if I don't shoot it in the next year or two, I'll never get it done lol.

Anyways, that's the introduction done. I look forward to forum-ing with you guys.


Well, if you're only expecting half-decent you'll need to keep looking because this forum will blow away your expectations. I have already learned so much from the members here and look forward to commentary on my upcoming projects.

Enjoy your stay. I certainly am.
Hello fellow U.K. person! I'm a 20 year old composer in Liverpool who's doing the film composing thing, and I've learned a really lot from looking at things on here. So bienvennue.