Greetings from Dark Winter

Hello everybody! It's Reaper from Dark Winter Studios just wanting to pop my head out and say "Hello Everybody! It's Reaper from Dark Winter Studios just wanting to pop my head out and say 'Hello Everybody...'"

We're a small production company in Kentucky responsible for truly reprehensible entertainment. IF you like check out our site at Dark Winter Studios and if you don't like that's okay'll hurt our feelings but it's okay.

Anyway, I'll pop my head back in but not until I had said, "Hello everybody! It's Reaper..."
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Zensteve said:
Hello Reaper! :)

Looks like you have several shorts on your site. I'll be sure to check them out later tonight. :cool:

Thank you sir! Most of them are only 3 - 5 minutes but people have been digging them pretty well. Any opinions, as long as they're honest, are totally welcome. Thanks!
I just watched most of your shorts.

You are insane, my good man!

My fave by far was the Charlie Brown & Linus one.

The fellow who plays Charlie reminds me a lot of Artie Lang, from the first few seasons of Mad TV. He's got the same sick-ish sense of humour that's delivered wonderfully deadpan.

Very bizarre, very twisted... most importantly, very funny.

The working of the camera, lighting, editing and.. well basically all of the technical stuff... needs a lot more work. That's the kind of thing that improves with repeated experience though, so if you stick to your guns and keep making these hilarious shorts those improvements will come with time.

You've got the funnies... just need to tweak the filming of it.

Daddy the Race Car is going to be an ongoing series? I hope so. :)
Just watched a few of them... great stuff!
Welcome by the way!
I'll check out the rest later, but I loved "The Music Lover" the best... it's that kind of dark twisted humor I live for!
ahhh... love that...

My favorite is the Linus and Charlie Brown. Those actors work very well for those characters. LOL. Good stuff Reaper, welcome to the board!
Thanks for checking it out guys! That's actually me playing Charlie Brown, Nero in Daddy (yeah, we've got plans to further that one and Charlie Brown), the singer in the Music Lover...well, you've seen. I'm the fat, bald one.

We've got a whole lot more coming. Charlie Brown and Daddy: Ep 1 were both shot quite awhile ago. The newer stuff is Bacon and Gravy, Fists and Dice, and The Music Lover. The black and white Daddy was filmed well over a year ago.

What I like is that everything was improved on the spot. Hell, most of the concepts were thought up on the spot. We're fixing that right now. We're working on two short films at the moment plus we make commercials locally so we're working on it.

Acting-wise there's a lot of good coming up. I just had the micro budget feature "Reconciled" released by Sub-Rosa a few weeks ago (I co-produced and starred, Tim Ritter directed) and I've got a project coming up this summer that'll get theatrical release. So hopefully we'll get a little cash, some better lighting, equipment, etc. and be able to produce some nice stuff.

But the sketches are still being cranked out and we're working on adding sooooo much more to the website as we speak. Thanks for checking it out and please check for updates if you've liked what you've seen so far. Free entertainment, can't beat that!