Greeting from Santa Barbara

Hi I'm new here. Most of my production experience is in DRTV. But I finally went Harry Reid and "Manned up" enough to try and do a short film. I'm real excited and also terrified. There's no pressure doing infomercials, if it comes out stupid you can just say "So what? It's an infomerical..." Here's one of mine:

Anyway, looks to be a good knowledge base here. Hope and learn some stuff and pass on what I know.
Welcome from a local Santa Barbarian!

I made my first two dozen films running around SB. Almost
got shot by the local PD making a film (carrying guns) on lower
State St. Created a stir by shooting a chase across Stern's
Wharf that ended with three of us jumping off the end - damn
that hurt. Made several films at the Botanic Garden.
Santa Barbara is a good place to shoot. For a small city it's got a lot of cool locations, generally no weather issues, artsy enough that there are a lot of actors, Samy's has a good rental department so no need to buy a truckload of lights and stands, and lots of shooters too. I placed an ad for a 2 hour gig on craigslist and got a Tsunami of applicants. Some of them offered to shoot for LESS money than I was offering which wasn't all that much in the first place.