Greenscreen Bluescreen

Hi everyone,
quick post,

Does anyone know where I can buy bluescreen / greenscreen materials on the web/mail order/wherever ?
I have tried and tried with green/blue fabric and sheets but to no avail, its just not giving good enough results.

I found some at
(search for chroma)

But they seem very expensive for what they are, anybody know of any cheaper alternatives ?

Thanks :)
Shaw said:
And there is some wonderful software out there that eleminates this. Ultimatte AdvantEdge is an amazing piece of software.
Does it working with 24p/24pa properly?
Does it able to export with alpha?
Do you have any tutorials?

I used Kiwi Green plastic table covering for some green screen work before.. it works alright, if it's lit correctly it's superb, but getting the even lighting can be a pain (as with any other screen...)

For those who saw my entry for the Yellowcard Music Video contest, the scene where he throws the girl from the bridge was greenscreened with that stuff in my house.. taped it up to a wall with green painters tape. :)
Does it working with 24p/24pa properly?
Does it able to export with alpha?
Do you have any tutorials?

1) Yes. It works with anytype of footage. Progressive is always better than interlaced of course but this is a matter of format not software.

2) I believe so

3) Nope, nor do I own the software. It's REALLY expensive but worth the price if you have the budget and many greenscreen shots to do.