Gorman Bechard's "One Night Stand" Get Involved!

I loved Bechard's work with "You Are Alone" and "Friends With Benefits." They've been winning awards and taking names on the festival circuit. Both films are available via Netflix, if you are interested in viewing.

For those of you who have some money to spare and are looking for IMDB credit, I would CERTAINLY check out the unique fundraising program Bechard is using with his upcoming film "One Night Stand."

Check it Out:
Why would you encourage someone to buy a film credit? All that does is hurt the industry. $2,000 to be listed as an Associate Producer, $2500, Executive Producer. These are real positions in film where people work hard at what they do. Give me a break. Can I pay to be listed as a grip even though I didn't grip?

For those of you who have some money to spare and are looking for IMDB credit, I would CERTAINLY check out the unique fundraising program Bechard is using with his upcoming film "One Night Stand."

LOL. Money to spare? Sheeesh.

What's wrong with "Financed By"? I guess it doesn't sound cool enough and people want to be producers. Sorry, but I don't like this trend of selling credits. I'm also puzzled why you seem so excited about it. Are you involved?
Interesting website concept. Perhaps not a bad place to try to secure additional funding in small amounts. Not really into the "selling credits" trend. People who give you money are called Investors, AFAIK.