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watch Gorilla with a trident. And laser machete.

Not sure what the narrative is, it looks more like a sfx test to me. If that's what it is I think you did a good job.

Would have been cool though, at the end, if after pausing for a second he came down and exploded the text on the screen.
It's a tribute to Olan Rogers. It references his post about life changes. He always describes things in hilarious and abstract ways, and he described the way he felt being on stage as like a gorilla smashing his orbs of calmness with a trident and laser machete wand. :D
I'm a fan of Olan Rodgers but didn't understand the reference at first. I liked it though, sfx where good. I might of posted it as a video response to the original video, could get a few more views. ;)
Well, I dunno. Not my thing. It got my attention because it was short.

Some of the sfx looked quite good actually. A couple didn't quite hit the mark.

Good luck.
Thanks for the critique, GA. :) It's hard to get into it without context, so from the standpoint of a short film I can see where a lot of people would be disappointed, confused, or just unimpressed. It was as much a test of our developing abilities as it was anything else. We just started making films and doing vfx a little over a year ago, and we don't have any sort of formal training. Everything we know is based on experimentation and places like IndieTalk. :D
Yah, I had no idea what was going on. It's more of an inside-gag, really, now that the backstory to it has been explained.

Definitely keep it, though, for fx reel.
Yep, I combined some stuff I learned about the orbs with a procedural dissolve for that last one. Good catch, dlevanchuck!