Google Sucks about indie movie results

I i am stuck with a problem.I tried to search the best indie flicks of 2007 and other years but i am getting mixed results on me what should i do to get the right results.they show result like best 10 movies according to this site and that site and this org and that how can i see the correct results???

can anyone guide me??i am looking for the best top 10 indie flick for 2000 to 2007
Well thanks the list you gave is great of top 15 indie movies of 2007.but i want of 2000,2001 till 2007.can you provide it???

i hate google for so many irrelivent results
Box office results are overall, just see if there's low budget flicks in there and see where they are on the list.
I think there is some confusion here. Correct me if I'm wrong, Indietalk, but "independent" does not necessary mean small budget. Of course the budgets are smaller, but I've seen some independent films that look like they probably cost $5 million, or so.
I'm just answering his different questions, in post 1 he said indie flicks, and in post 9 he said low budget.
I am really sorry for making you people confuse.when i said indie i mean low budget now can i have an actual low bughet top 10 movi list???

the problem with google is that when i type at number one the list is of some one else at 2 the list is of some else with variation in i am confused which are the actual top 10 low budget movies in terms of doing business
Adeel, I don't think there is a definitive top 10 list. There is no way to know exactly how much each movie has made, and even if they did know at one moment in time, it is a moving target. Theaters don't always publish exact numbers to the public, DVD sales can be from many outlets and each outlet may have some number of DVDs in stock, so even the distributor doesn't necessarily know exactly how many have sold. Finally, there are different ways of measuring success. One might look at gross sales, another might look at profits, yet another might look at profit or loss as a percentage of cost, someone else could be simply counting the number of tickets/DVDs or downloads and not factoring in income, etc.

Furthermore, there is no definite rule as to what is "low budget".

The list you are looking for exists in as many forms as there are sources. What I am saying is that each list creator will use its own criteria and research to select the top 10 movies. No two lists are likely to arrive at the same result.

I might be able to help.

I don't think it's the fault of Google - You need to be very clear
and define what you are looking for. If you aren't clear here, a
search engine won't know what you mean

Please tell me what you mean by "the best indie flicks".
Please tell me the exact number you mean when you say " LOW

It will help if you list five movies you consider "indie flicks" and "low
budget movies with low or no money".
oakstreetphotovideo thanks for the reply. as you said

there are different ways of measuring success. One might look at gross sales, another might look at profits, yet another might look at profit or loss as a percentage of cost, someone else could be simply counting the number of tickets/DVDs or downloads and not factoring in income, etc.

and as you said

What I am saying is that each list creator will use its own criteria and research to select the top 10 movies.

well now i know why i was getting different results.

thanks a lot

well i agree with you.I have read these types of measuremnt.but in our region normally FIlm's success is considered on the formula of

total cost and the sales revenue.......

and as you said

ok my simple search TOP 15 low/no budget movies of 2000 till it ok or should i try to make the words more clear??i hope it will be fine???

but as oakstreetphotovideo said that the problem is that every selection has adifferent criteria so i again may get many results. but my intention will be to search the low budget movies according to the above given criteria and which generated the highest revenue
Please tell me what you mean by "the best indie flicks".

Please tell me the exact number you mean when you say " LOW

Please tell me five movies you consider "indie flicks" and "low
budget movies with low or no money".