• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Good Place to find Hard to find indies

I was looking all over for a Doc called "wall" it was about the Wall set up by the isrealis in Palenstine. Anyhow I finally found it on http://indieflimkiosk.com/ Better yet they are running a sale so I got dirt cheap. They have tons of other indie films I never saw before too.

My only compliant is that they need to have more trailers to give a person a better idea of what these films are.
Welcome to the the site. It's pretty obvious this is your site. Good luck.
I was looking all over for a Doc called "wall" it was about the Wall set up by the isrealis in Palenstine. Anyhow I finally found it on http://indieflimkiosk.com/ Better yet they are running a sale so I got dirt cheap. They have tons of other indie films I never saw before too.

My only compliant is that they need to have more trailers to give a person a better idea of what these films are.
Oh how I wish people would treat me, an indie filmmaker and
consumer of indie films, with more respect. I know uglymug's
INTENT isn't to insult, but that's what this is. An insult. He
(and through him everyone connected with that web site)
believes I will actually fall for this type of "marketing". That I
am more likely to click on the link because he "found" it and
was so impressed he just had to sign up here and tell us all
about it.

What would impress me as a filmmaker, a bit of a businessman
and someone who buys indie movies is a more honest approach
to promotion and marketing. The truth is, I'm put off by this
so I won't click on the link.
Hey rik, no need to click the link, he put flim instead of film so it's an error page lol ;)