Going to TIFF tonight for Corpse Bride

I just got back from the museum where I met a friend who was a location manager for TIFF. He manage to get 2 free tickets from the press allotment for me and my girlfriend for Corpse Bride. It's the premiere, and Tim Burton and Johnny Depp will be there!

I'll post a full report here later. I have to break out the crushed velvet.
Don't forget the top-hat.

That looks like a great film... lucky dog. Have fun. :cool:
Sounds like a wonderful evening. OMG I saw Tim Burton in Camalot, really terrific! Tell him hello from the guy in the twelve row and a little to the left, the one with the high pitched whistle, he'll know me. ;)
I'm back!

Didn't get to speak to any of the stars, though. Saw Johhny and Tim on stage introducing the movie from the second row, though!

The movie was great, and afterwards our host, Goudge (festival manager) took us around to look at the after parties. Couldn't get into any... but it was a cool night.

Of course, my girlfriend is in a Johnny-Depp-induced coma right now, but she'll come out of it eventually.