I hear ya' on the drought of talent out where you are but before you go ravaging the halls of a college campus that's thousands of miles away from you... you should first consider something...
Most film directors are wasting actors' time. I live in LA and I shoot in LA and I see waste taking place day in and day out. It is ghastly how many actors don't even get their footage. At all. Ever. They wait patiently and nothing happens. And for those who DO get their footage, it's often something so crappy that it doesn't really help their reel at all.
They'd be better off with NO reel than having something that makes them look oily and hideous and sounds awful and represents the most wretched performance they could muster.
Now, unless you're a filmmaking genius who peaked at an early age, chances are you're not really ready to compensate your actors by saying, "Look, I can't pay you, but I can certainly put you in an amazing short film that will help your career tremendously and make you glad you worked with me!"
It's doubtful you can say that at all.
So my advice is to you is to find two local actors. Two. In your neighborhood. Just two frickin people. Young or old or even a mixture of young and old. Male and male. Or male and female. Or whatever. And have them star in everything you do. Everything. And do this over and over and over again until you're capable of making a short film that gets 10,000 hits on YouTube just out of being sheer awesome sauce.
That will probably take you AT LEAST 10 to 15 attempts. But you can do an INFINITE amount of storytelling with just two actors. There are so many permutations of a two person conflict. Bad guy vs good guy. Two guys vs something unknown. Boy loves girl. Father loves son. Boss fires subordinate. Explorers search a cave. Whatever the case. Whatever your two actors are, use the sh** out of them. Over and over.
That's what Rodriguez did. That's what Spielberg did. That's what TONS of great directors did.
Now, how can you find two actors? Like other folks were saying. Try Craiglist or Mandy. You might even try your local church. (You could volunteer to do a video promo for your local church... as a way of sneaking access to the talent pool.) Or maybe a find an old folks home with a couple bored old people who wouldn't mind some SUPER GENTLE shooting schedules.
I'm basically saying you're probably not ready to marshal a fleet of 10 to 15 actors on top of a crew of 5 to 10 people. So put your epic Robert Altman script in the fridge for a year or two while you get good enough to be WORTH other people's time.
Start small. Get great. Then proceed.