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Yup, it was already posted. But that's cool...because it's pretty badass, and I'll let it slide...lol. Kidding.

Ya, again, great work on this...especially the war scenes...love the grit, love the color grading...did I say I love it?

Thanks guys...

I posted it in other threads for reference. I don't think I posted it in these exact threads :) but as long as you will let it slide.

The problem here is, this was completed in 2007... Last time I checked it's 2010!!! THREE freaking years. I'm due for another film, don't you think!?

It's sad and depressing that there has been a gap of 3 years and still counting.


At least in that 3 years I have been working and perfecting my storytelling.

Again guys/gals, thanks for the kind words and support. Really helps a lot and I'm grateful!
Dude, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make another film. Clearly you have skill, and a grace with the medium...don't flounder that gift. And from your other post, we know you can stretch a shoe-string budget, so money shouldn't be the reason you're not shooting.

You know that scene in Fight Club where Tyler (Brad) takes the Asian dude out back and puts a gun to his head and says, 'If you're not on your way to becoming a Veternarian in three months, I'm going to come to your house and kill you'?

Well...I know where you live. So get on it.
It’s beautiful. I like the over all “cold” feel it has. Very impressive for $600.

Not that I don’t like it a lot, but I can’t help but wish it were longer.

To me the length and pace in which it unfolds is so fast that (given the one on one nature and the greater circumstances that cause the character to reflect) the end doesn’t feel contrived or unrealistic, but rather forces its importance on me, which is to say, for want of that little bit of time upfront to endear the character, I’m left to feel like, “Well in that situation, what are you gonna do?, and for me personally that undermines the impact, but then again,IF that sense of “What are you gonna do?” is some of what you hoped to elicit, then great.

Regardless, it’s beautifully written and executed; I just wish it were a bit longer .

Dude, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make another film. Clearly you have skill, and a grace with the medium...don't flounder that gift. And from your other post, we know you can stretch a shoe-string budget, so money shouldn't be the reason you're not shooting.

You know that scene in Fight Club where Tyler (Brad) takes the Asian dude out back and puts a gun to his head and says, 'If you're not on your way to becoming a Veternarian in three months, I'm going to come to your house and kill you'?

Well...I know where you live. So get on it.

haha, can you please come over here and put a gun to my head and get my shit straight!?! I think I need the shit scared out of me right about now so I get things done...

No, but joking aside, I'm finishing up with the writing of my next short. Just got to get out the drawing board and figure out how I'm going to film a space movie in the confines of my living room! :) HAHA
It’s beautiful. I like the over all “cold” feel it has. Very impressive for $600.

Not that I don’t like it a lot, but I can’t help but wish it were longer.

To me the length and pace in which it unfolds is so fast that (given the one on one nature and the greater circumstances that cause the character to reflect) the end doesn’t feel contrived or unrealistic, but rather forces its importance on me, which is to say, for want of that little bit of time upfront to endear the character, I’m left to feel like, “Well in that situation, what are you gonna do?, and for me personally that undermines the impact, but then again,IF that sense of “What are you gonna do?” is some of what you hoped to elicit, then great.

Regardless, it’s beautifully written and executed; I just wish it were a bit longer .


I agree, it could be longer. There's definitely a story to tell within a story. Oh well, this sucker is in the past and my heart is set on Science Fiction. There hasn't been a good science fiction in a while. I mean, District 9 and Moon were amazing, but when it comes to a short film, and independent short film, I cannot even name one. I'm going to make a insane sci-fi film with 0 bucks! AGHHHHH....
...my trigger finger is itching.

Get on that space movie...I'll even help out. Give me a couch, a plane ticket, and a lot of peanuts.
haha, M1chae1, i'd have you help out on this space film shot in my LIVING ROOM in a second. Sadly, I have no money. So, start walking and by the time I start shooting you should arrive. My couch and peanuts can be provided! haha..

Speaking of, I don't want to flood this thread with the stuff i'm about to be posting, but I'd love to have you chime in and hear what you have to say with my topic i'm about to discuss in another thread. I'm going to post the link to the thread so you can chime in. give me a few minutes.
haha, M1chae1, i'd have you help out on this space film shot in my LIVING ROOM in a second. Sadly, I have no money. So, start walking and by the time I start shooting you should arrive. My couch and peanuts can be provided! haha..

Speaking of, I don't want to flood this thread with the stuff i'm about to be posting, but I'd love to have you chime in and hear what you have to say with my topic i'm about to discuss in another thread. I'm going to post the link to the thread so you can chime in. give me a few minutes.

I'm in man. Write it. Save some cashola. Send the script and a plane ticket...and I'm there buddy. I have no problem with peanuts when working with talented folks like yourself.

No need to post a link to the thread...believe me, I'll find it. I only use the 'New Post' link...