
Yeah, I think it was Factions which put it off for me, I really didn't the assassin and ritualist classes. But yes, have been anticipating GW2 for a very long time now, I remember hearing rumours about it just after factions!

Do you like LOTR in general? Because LOTRO doesnt follow the main plot of the films, it focuses of Angmar and a lot of what happened before the film, the gameplay is quite similar to GW too, at first it does take a while to get into it, but is a very fun game overall, after GW and before WOW that was my main MMORPG which I played for a over 2 years or so

I've tried to read Tokelins books but I could never get into them so I would have to say no I dont like LotR in general. As a whole it just seems too generic to me. I like fantasy but the kind that hn'tas been done to death. I would watch Farscape over Startrek any day of the week because of how different it is.
I'm really bad at video games and I turn my PS3 on about once a year (excepting using it as a Blu-Ray player). That said I think video games are a (potentially) interesting narrative art form and I wish they were done better. I just suck at them and tend to get stuck and bored.

Favourite game of all time - Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption and Oblivion.
Most played game - See above.
Least favourite game - Almost every other game.
Most addictive - Oblivion.
Favourite console - PS3 I guess...

I completely agree with you Nick - I'm disappointed to see a lot of the same issues with video games - studios are less likely to try something new and interesting; instead opting for the "tried and true" method of some generic faceless first person shooter.

There are countless reasons why this is the case (first and foremost, the distributor relationship with developers is, in a word, hell) which is a real shame as, when done well, games have the power to completely blow you away.

I would really recommend Heavy Rain to everyone that I can possibly moan to about it. It's got to be one of the best story-driven games I've ever played (along with Uncharted and Heavenly Sword.. all available for the PS3, mind you =P) and it's a perfect example of how a well produced game can have the same emotional attachment and effect on a person as a good novel can.
DeJager, good pick with Diablo 2! 3 is in beta right now, and I'm really looking forward to that!

AHh I know! I've been waiting for Diablo 3 for 10 years and still no release date... the Beta has been going on forever it seems! Maybe this year is the year though :)
Favourite game of all time - Chrono Trigger
Most played game - CAn't even tell ya, but at least last year it was Super Street Fighter 4
Least favourite game - Don't really have one
Most addictive - Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (right now)
Favourite console - Super Nintendo (created the most memories of all)

I grew up on Console Gaming, not much I haven't played and was always into RPGs heavily hence my favorite game'o all time being Chrono Trigger. Most of my work's inspired by or more than likely somewhat derived from my favorite anime, saturday morn cartoons, or vidya games.

If anyone's on PSN and you're getting Operation Racoon City, or Street Fighter x Tekken my PSN handle's...


I'm really bad at video games and I turn my PS3 on about once a year (excepting using it as a Blu-Ray player). That said I think video games are a (potentially) interesting narrative art form and I wish they were done better. I just suck at them and tend to get stuck and bored.

Favourite game of all time - Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption and Oblivion.
Most played game - See above.
Least favourite game - Almost every other game.
Most addictive - Oblivion.
Favourite console - PS3 I guess...

I think you should try some of the masterpieces of the Playstation 2. Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and Okami are three games that could easily find a place in a museum. Another maserpiece that comes to my mind, yet more recent and completely different from those is Braid, which uses gameplay mechanics to illustrate philosophical thoughts with a deep and metaphorical story.

Red Dead is cool in its narrative aspect but I hate how characters seem sometimes unconsistent. I wish the relations between characters were more developped. Uncharted has a Hollywood aspect to it, it's very fun to play and the story become very very interesting. But I guess that the very High King of cinematography in videos games is Metal gear Solid ! No need to develop much on this one.

But I don't see how you liked Oblivion. Having been in love with its predecessor (Morrowind), Oblivion felt like a best friend going out with an exGF I still had feelings for. Thank God Skyrim is much better.
I agree with TheArtist, if you love PS3, then you'll love some of the games from PS2 and if you want to go even more old school, PS. Metal Gear Solid is always a great classic. I would recommend (if you already haven't) the Final Fantasy series, on PS FF 6,7,8,9 are all fantastic. At the moment I am collecting all the originals up to FF X (I don't consider after X Final Fantasy anymore, enix took them down hill) Just trying to find orignals of 1-4 which is very hard haha (due to all being released on different consoles).
Good topic, interesting to see the relationship between gaming and films progress. The lines can blur a fair bit these days when done right with a game. Best example of this recently that I have played is portal 2.

Favourite game of all time - between Counter Strike, Company of Heroes and Zelda: ocarina of time
Most played game - Counter Strike
Least favourite game - WoW (the dark side of gaming)
Most addictive - WoW (People have died playing this is so addictive!)
Favourite console - PC
Another vote for checking out Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, both of which were remastered for the PS3 as a collection! No reason not to check that out! Ico isn't that difficult in terms of physical challenge (it's more puzzle-based), so it's a good demonstration of the narrative potential of video games. And just beautiful. Speaking of narrative, anyone play an old PC adventure game called Sanatarium? I love the way the narrative unfolded in that (the farm stage in particular was brilliant), and the puzzles weren't as arcane as the Sierra adventure games eventually got (did anyone REALLY get through Gabriel Knight 3? Without a walkthrough?)

I agree with TheArtist, if you love PS3, then you'll love some of the games from PS2 and if you want to go even more old school, PS. Metal Gear Solid is always a great classic. I would recommend (if you already haven't) the Final Fantasy series, on PS FF 6,7,8,9 are all fantastic. At the moment I am collecting all the originals up to FF X (I don't consider after X Final Fantasy anymore, enix took them down hill) Just trying to find orignals of 1-4 which is very hard haha (due to all being released on different consoles).

I will disagree; FFXII was just as Final Fantasy as the others. I liked it way better than 8 myself, though I know 8 has plenty of fans. I do prefer old-school turn based combat in my RPGs, but XII wasn't as bad as I first thought, once I got used to it. Pretty deep too, once you dig into the gambits (essentially, you program the AI of your other party members, but you have to buy or find routines, and they can only have so many at once). The story was engaging, doubly so if you had gone through FF Tactics.

I'd really like to see more games with a combat system similar to the Grandia series. Sadly, after 3, they've been working on "grandia online" which I have no interest in. The combat is engaging turn based combat, and online gaming is all about real-time combat. I don't know how they could make it work.

Speaking of Final Fantasy, the Distant Worlds concert is coming to Pittsburgh and I can't go because the seats I could have afforded were sold out in less than an hour :-(
Why didn't I see this before? Let me play....

Favorite: Bioshock
Most played - Gears Of War
Least favorite - GTA IV
Most addictive - Gears Of War
Favorite console - Xbox 360

Those of you looking for a strong narrative gaming experience should really check out 'Metal Gear Solid 4'. It's different to the previous Metal Gears (which were also driven by their narrative), but this one is almost incredible, in that you can do nothing but watch cut scenes for hours on end. It borders on being tedious, but those cut scenes really are beautiful. As mentioned though, 'Heavy Rain' is also excellent, especially the shower scene...

Also, I feel like I should explain why 'GTA IV' is my least favourite game ever... It's way too overrated. A friend of mine once tried to argue that it was the best game ever, because it did everything - it was a shooter, an adventure game, a driving sim, a rhythm game, a sports game.... I argued that it was a shit shooter, a shit adventure game, a shit driving sim, a shit rhythm game, a shit sports game.... Sure, it covers all the bases, but none of it is any good. Why not go play a game dedicated to its genre, rather than some crappy mash-up?

Anybody who hasn't, go play 'Bioshock'. That's got to be the perfect blend between all out action game and a real narrative story. And 'Condemned', it's like a gamers version of the film 'Seven' (in fact, one scene is a blatant rip off (but it did make me crap myself)).
Favourite game of all time - Elder Scrolls Morrowind/Starcraft 2
Most played game - Starcraft 2
Least favourite game - Angry birds
Most addictive - Soul Caliber 4, OSU
Favourite console - PC!>360>ps3

Playing right now: Kingdom of Amular(Which is awesome, totaly recommend this one), Soul Caliber 5, Starcraft 2, Fifa 12, Skyrim
Gamer tags

xbox live: coldfusionh2
ps3: Suitcase_Nuke
starcraft: echo

This is one of my favorites right now. This will improve your mouse accuracy better then any other game ive ever played. Plus its freaking fun as hell!
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I will disagree; FFXII was just as Final Fantasy as the others. I liked it way better than 8 myself, though I know 8 has plenty of fans. I do prefer old-school turn based combat in my RPGs, but XII wasn't as bad as I first thought, once I got used to it. Pretty deep too, once you dig into the gambits (essentially, you program the AI of your other party members, but you have to buy or find routines, and they can only have so many at once). The story was engaging, doubly so if you had gone through FF Tactics.

I'd really like to see more games with a combat system similar to the Grandia series. Sadly, after 3, they've been working on "grandia online" which I have no interest in. The combat is engaging turn based combat, and online gaming is all about real-time combat. I don't know how they could make it work.

Speaking of Final Fantasy, the Distant Worlds concert is coming to Pittsburgh and I can't go because the seats I could have afforded were sold out in less than an hour :-(

Just a correction on the blurb that afaloth made about "enix took them down-hill" -- Squaresoft absorbed Enix, not the other way around. :B Sakaguchi left Square in 2004 and yeah, it changed after that, but most of his successors stayed on the FF project.

It's probably Nomura's fault for belts and zippers (starting with FF-X) but he's also responsible for Kingdom Hearts, which is definitely a very good series.

Still, the closest any of the Final Fantasy games can get to Chrono Trigger is FF7. :B

P.S. Grandia II was pretty sweet.