A grant to do what? Buy equipment to make a movie?
Most grants are set up to help people in genuine need. And I
don't mean people who need to make a movie - people who
need to get an education, need medical assistance, need housing
for children. Even small business associations look for people
trying to better their communities. Making a film, even a very
important, uplifting, socially conscience one, isn't what grants
are usually about.
But there are associations for film grants. And yes, they are extremely
difficult to get. If you can convince several of them to give you money
to buy equipment, you can legally accept the money as long as you buy
what you say you're going to buy.
I agree.
And I don't agree.
The thing that I am finding about grants is that you really have to show how it will benefit the greater good. There are many grants out there, but they are very hard to get. My suggestion would be to figure out if you
really need a grant. If you are only looking for $500, you can probably figure out a way to raise that and avoid a grant altogether. However, I do have a suggestion in terms of a book for you to read. Its called:
Shaking The Money Tree by Morrie Warshawski and it is about how to go about pulling your thoughts and ideas together so that they can be worded into a grant proposal. You will need to know absolutely
everything about your project from what you need in terms of equipment to how you intend to promote the finished product.
Do Not fool yourself. Writing a grant is difficult. I have done it and I think I wrote a good proposal. And I didn't get the grant. Prepare to be turned down. ALOT. But don't let this discourage you from trying. Its the only way you will figure out how to do it.
But I will say again, if you are looking for a small amount, try to raise it yourself first. Fundraising is something they may ask you about when it comes to promoting your film and getting it out there.
I have a list around here somewhere. I'm sure you've used Google, right?
What did you find? If there are some that you have missed that I have found
I'll add them.
I'll be looking for what you list as well
...but in the meantime, go to google. Put into your search engine: grants for first time filmmakers, women filmmakers, student filmmakers, independent filmmakers, etc. There will be more than you can look at in one day, but you might find something. You never know, but you do have to look.
All this will at least get you started.....
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