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Freytag Pyramid

Hello, I'm a student, i would to build a script with freytag's pyramid structure. anyone can give me the example what film use this formulas. thx before.
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anyone can give me the example what film use this formulas.
Star Wars (1977)
Wizard of Oz (1939)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
In Bruges (2008)
Memento (2001) Seriously, think about; even though the story is told in a unique way it hits all five parts.
Welcome to indietalk!

Star Wars (1977)
Wizard of Oz (1939)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
In Bruges (2008)
Memento (2001) Seriously, think about; even though the story is told in a unique way it hits all five parts.

thanks for your response. but i had a new question, what different about fretag pyramid and aristotles dramatic structure, i just confuse.
Story telling structure is essentially the same all over the world.
Different scholars over time have explained it in various ways using
various methods.

As the author of that 2014 article RunievelTwo linked to writes,
Aristotle broke story structure into three parts. A five part break
down came a few hundred years later – all it does it add some points
to the three part structure.

Over the centuries scholars have added up to 12 and even 17 parts.
All they really do is break down the original three parts into smaller
parts. But they ALL show what is commonly called the three act
structure. Even if “Act I” (the beginning) is broken down into two or
five parts, it's still the beginning of a story.

I found Joseph Campbell's “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” a readable,
easy to understand explanation of the varied and different story telling
structures around the world. Turns they are all every much the same.
It seems that we humans all relate to story structure in very much the
same way.
Hello, I'm a student, i would to build a script with freytag's pyramid structure.
I always tell my students to write the story that they have a passion
to tell. AFTER it's finished then we can apply a structure name to it.