archived-videos FRANCE. "Everyday is sunday and thursday night is gay night!

Spatula, we handed out several dvds containing the trailers but the films not even finished and no one has responded. However i did hear from Nick O'Mahoney (the director/producer) that an American distributer called Ventura showed some interest.

Does anyone know anything about Ventura distribution?

Loud Orange Cat, Cannes is a great holiday even without the festival.

Episode two FRANCE. "Run by saturday staff" will be released in the next week or so which will contain more girls, french people, silly costumes and childish behavior...

Peace, love and underpants.
FRANCE. "Run by saturday staff" is episode two of our Cannes adventure and its now uploaded on

In this episode Alfonso applies his sunscreen to get his superpowers from our yellow sun, Jesus says that hes not not gay and Mr.Derren Vision is caught going into another sex shop...

Did anyone check out episode two?

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It was explained to me that slow responses or no responses during the summer months are expected because everyone is off taking advantage of the nicer (somewhere in the world, but not in SE Texas lately) weather.

Subject matter is interesting. If you're looking for constructive feedback, then I would recommend a windscreen. If not, then ignore that. It was never said. ;)
I'm not quite sure what your meaning.

I have posted feedback on so many films, i was hoping for the same in return. :(

I meant they're busy working on their own films and not taking as much time to read and to respond to posts in the forum. I've noticed the posting drop substantially over the last few months. I was told it would pick back up in the winter months. I got a lot of good feedback on my first project, but I posted it in the winter.

I should be working on my own stuff, but we suffered a major setback. I've lost most of the cast and half the crew. At least now I have some very real life emotions and situations to draw from for the final script rewrite, although I doubt I will move forward with this particular project now. I'll at least finish the script. It's time to write something else to shoot. This will give me some more time to build and to aquire additional equipment to help boost production values. I want a handheld stabilizer and to build some dolly tracks. I'm also still working on rounding out my lighting equipment. I need to make some barn doors, buy some felt, and I saw some things in Ikea that may make a nice DIY softbox with egg crate.
I meant they're busy working on their own films and not taking as much time to read and to respond to posts in the forum. I've noticed the posting drop substantially over the last few months. I was told it would pick back up in the winter months. I got a lot of good feedback on my first project, but I posted it in the winter.

I should be working on my own stuff, but we suffered a major setback. I've lost most of the cast and half the crew. At least now I have some very real life emotions and situations to draw from for the final script rewrite, although I doubt I will move forward with this particular project now. I'll at least finish the script. It's time to write something else to shoot. This will give me some more time to build and to aquire additional equipment to help boost production values. I want a handheld stabilizer and to build some dolly tracks. I'm also still working on rounding out my lighting equipment. I need to make some barn doors, buy some felt, and I saw some things in Ikea that may make a nice DIY softbox with egg crate.

Sorry to hear about your setback, however i suppose this is the world of filmmaking! When i suffer a setback it makes me more determined and i realise you can always rely on yourself.

Our Jesus F Trotsky film shows all the situations a filmmaker could experience and during an interview he revealed that filmmaking is all about timing, casting the right people and making the film you want to make. I believe hes absolutely right. So lead us not into temptation, we shall all get there without any help.