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watch Found Footage of zombies, or prank?

Don't have to watch to know this is part of your marketing. Unless you believe in zombies lol.

I would have watched it w/o the silly ploy.
I admit it was a cheap (and lame) trick. If you can forgive me for that I'd really like to know your opinion.

Especially whether or not you liked the ending, if you thought the zombie growls sounded realistic, and if you thought the main character was too annoying or if some of his lines were funny...

thanks mate
*YAWN* someone is pulling the Blair Witch trick. Don't get me wrong it's a good idea but not for a zombie flick. Use it for like a mockumatry on a slasher.

So I watched it and it wasn't bad. The dude working the cam was totally ham-fisted, the audio was natural for what you were doing and that's good. All and all it wasn't bad.

I would really get rid of the "found footage" crap because once people see that they tend to think "great just great I get to watch Blair Witch but with zombies." There is a stigma on ploy for a good reason. It's a lazy one. In fact that the only real issue I have with this project of yous.