For the same price - 550D/T2i or 600D/t3i?

What should I get?

550D/t2i with 2 kit lenses (18-55 + 75-300) - 555,00€
600D/t3i with kit lenses (18-55) - 575,00€

For video an stills and I don't own any lenses.

Would you be planning on investing in more lenses in the future? If it was me, I would get the single wider stock lens (as that one is actually fairly decent at what it does), and then add a few primes in the future. For cheap primes, browse this forum for opinions on some good-quality cheap vintage lenses that you can get off of ebay.
Buy used body - it is really hard to get a bad camera,I mean previous owner has to do some sick stuff to damage the quality of the t3i.

Get the manual prime - they have much better focus rings/aperture control. Consider crop factor 1.6 for t3i if I remember correctly. So traditional prime is no longer 50mm,but 50mm/1.6

And I wouldn't invest too much into DSLR unless you are going to do a lot of stills + u can always rent